HKCC 2021-2022 討論區[10]光復香港 時代革命 祝大家add drop順利
董倫 2022-1-20 19:08:58 慘呀


熊貓君。 2022-1-20 20:03:37 想問3122 policy , welfare and human value / 3123 popular culture 有冇人讀過~
想知難唔難 同埋係讀啲咩
哈爾的移動廁所 2022-1-20 20:07:05
我愛KentLam 2022-1-20 20:49:44 no
我愛蘇雅琳 2022-1-20 20:51:23 NEGO真係弱智都拎到A
我愛KentLam 2022-1-20 20:51:25 hi
屯門星野源 2022-1-20 20:52:55 冇錯 我冇手冇腳輕鬆A
姆明與我 2022-1-20 20:53:41
我愛KentLam 2022-1-20 20:55:15 Workplace Communication 係學依啲嘢

Writing Style and tones (positive,professional, bias free language..)
Writing skills (positive, negative, persuasive)
Formats of email , letter and memo
oral presentation skills
interview skills
telephone calling skills

2份assignment 1份group project 1個final test
Asm 1: Document Revision (揾句子錯處+改正+執格式)
Asm 2: Letter Writing(380字)
Asm 3: Group Project: Business Presentation

In Wience Lai We Trust
我愛KentLam 2022-1-20 20:55:58 可以
我愛蘇雅琳 2022-1-20 21:01:25 我exam以為會含 咁都拎到A


掂過碌蔗唔該借借 2022-1-20 21:05:46 SHDH2192 201B> 201C
SHDH2043 204B> 201B/204A/201A
史迪仔揸的士 2022-1-20 22:06:22
大麻意粉好好味 2022-1-20 22:10:19
100010001 2022-1-20 22:37:46 過咗啦
大麻意粉好好味 2022-1-20 22:46:01
蕃薯尾 2022-1-20 22:46:11 我連弱智都不如
追擊手 2022-1-20 23:02:03
塞納河畔咖啡 2022-1-20 23:06:57
絲絲女神 2022-1-20 23:58:35
點啊又 2022-1-21 01:07:24 y1 sem1 gpa 3.92 dse eng 得3 ,如果想入hku a&f/cu ibba/ ust ,係咪機會極微


不滅薪火 2022-1-21 01:18:48
點啊又 2022-1-21 01:25:21 我想y1搏下 cu ibba 同埋 hku a&f
進擊的維尼 2022-1-21 01:28:26 此回覆已被刪除
jennielisabp 2022-1-21 01:28:58 求放🙏🏻
SHDH2046 Music and Human Behaviour
201D ▶️ 201B/C
SEHH2232 General Microbiology:
202A ▶️ 201A/B
SEHH3147 Child and Adolescent Health
202A ▶️ 201A