[Thank you agent Rafa] 阿仙奴 對 利物浦 1
直井怜 2022-1-20 16:51:45 仲讀緊中學,聽日返學訓覺算


世一迪列治 2022-1-20 16:53:25
Berger 2022-1-20 16:55:26

Berger 2022-1-20 17:07:37 【Now Sports】傳媒爆料,英格蘭足總正調查一名阿仙奴球員是否有份參與賭博或操縱球賽,涉事球員懷疑在比賽中故意領黃牌,以助投注者獲得報酬。
來自《The Athletic》的消息,稱一間博彩公司已向英足總匯報,在一場有關阿仙奴的聯賽中,突然有不尋常的一大筆金額投注在一位兵工廠球員身上,賭他會在賽事中領黃牌,最終成功開出,投注人士賺得盆滿砵滿。

《The Athletic》甚至指他們已知道涉事球員的身份,但出於私隱考慮,現階段不會向外透露,而英足總也已回覆他們,正在調查事件。


圖片來源 : ©AFP
易碎物 2022-1-20 17:24:10 Over the last ten days, The Athletic has been able to establish the following:

Liverpool decided to send their players for precautionary PCR tests using a laboratory called BioGrad after a round of negative lateral flow tests

Liverpool requested the postponement before knowing the results from this additional round of testing

Liverpool conducted this additional testing because they were fearful of a second outbreak at the club, but it went beyond what was needed to get the tie played

Positive results were then returned for 13 players
When these erroneous tests were discounted, neither the club or any of the other authorities in the process highlighted that development publicly

Klopp’s incorrect terminology triggered the EFL into thinking it might have to open an investigation. However it is clear that Liverpool had no motive to get the game called off

Some Liverpool players were unhappy and frustrated they were unable to play in two games and were forced into isolation, away from their families, despite not having COVID-19
Berger 2022-1-20 17:46:07 假陽性要困,係好慘
宴師妹 2022-1-20 17:57:44 見到李城啲垃圾防守就諗起我地對佢地殘陣都輸
Berger 2022-1-20 17:58:34 Naby Keita has been a highly influential member of the Guinea squad but has been ruled out of their first knockout game.
After picking up two yellow cards in the competition so far, one against teammate Sadio Mane and the next in stoppage time of the final group game, he will miss the round of 16 tie.

Berger 2022-1-20 17:59:41 泰國佬過咗數俾Henry
宴師妹 2022-1-20 18:13:03 補時先拎牌又skip
Berger 2022-1-20 18:14:03 今晚馬貼同宗師未必出到
The two have been absent in group training


JensenAckles 2022-1-20 18:37:58 出叻菲
吾日三打吾丁 2022-1-20 18:38:18 冇人carry vvd條懶閪
Berger 2022-1-20 18:39:01 阿仙奴俾人調查緊嗰個今晚應該出唔到
Berger 2022-1-20 18:40:02 收工
真普珠 2022-1-20 18:42:12 可唔可以買華荷域同拉芬拿換交屁綿龍,續水貨
Ranka(維拉迷) 2022-1-20 18:45:01 本身上場直紅都要停今場
吾日三打吾丁 2022-1-20 18:45:58 係都下撚
真普珠 2022-1-20 18:48:47 夏撚人工實高,fsg點肯
吾日三打吾丁 2022-1-20 18:49:51 老實講
比D掌聲自己 2022-1-20 18:52:24 今晚中到1億


艾爾文史密斯 2022-1-20 18:52:45 直接升Lijnders上嚟有冇得諗?
艾爾文史密斯 2022-1-20 18:56:47 依個真,當今球壇真係冇人取代到水貨
比D掌聲自己 2022-1-20 18:57:57 但你地班仆街仲係叫人水貨
直井怜 2022-1-20 18:59:16 呢度啲人都係咁叫你做狗啦