[Thank you agent Rafa] 阿仙奴 對 利物浦 1
明奴明奴如盡興 2022-1-19 16:54:25


香港汽車用品店員 2022-1-19 17:39:12 講前面大家覺得係而家 3 個勁定 SSS 勁?
中場就係 agent Rafa 個條
後防而家都係 sure win
夜神裕一郎 2022-1-19 17:53:07
Berger 2022-1-19 18:02:27 之前三s都好勁
Super la
查莉絲花朗 2022-1-19 18:09:37 反面教材
Trent 2022-1-19 18:10:30 咁你仲睇嚟做乜
香港汽車用品店員 2022-1-19 18:20:49 破密集同"無堅不催" feel 黎講
好似 SSS 加埋高少少
Berger 2022-1-19 18:23:23 So 9 當時啲射術真心佩服
道地檸檬綠茶 2022-1-19 18:25:56
dllmsosad 2022-1-19 18:51:08 收到楓 利記(利華)準備出手
dllmsosad 2022-1-19 18:53:21 咁你真係....


高松亜衣 2022-1-19 19:05:46 唔止人
道地檸檬綠茶 2022-1-19 19:10:36 “I spoke yesterday with him and he thinks it’s not that bad. We have to assess it day by day. I would not rule out the weekend but for sure not tomorrow.”
米啦米奴(入波) 2022-1-19 19:10:59 Ox?
道地檸檬綠茶 2022-1-19 19:11:24 yes
道地檸檬綠茶 2022-1-19 19:24:29 Thiago Alcantara is set to return to full training following the forthcoming international break.

Divock Origi, meanwhile, could resume full sessions following the FA Cup tie with Cardiff City at the start of February.
一派輕鬆 2022-1-19 19:28:46 謝隊真係好識波 呀蘇仲有貨賣 其實可以踢多2年
元•朗拿度 2022-1-19 19:40:31 一周一賽既話
元•朗拿度 2022-1-19 19:41:18 唔差在簽埋史獨啦
pccf 2022-1-19 19:50:36
踢60分鐘既波,SO7 仲係一線
爸爸托C 2022-1-19 20:14:50 米勞列嗰季好似救幾球12碼


夜神裕一郎 2022-1-19 20:21:05
傻散之野望 2022-1-19 20:45:39 此回覆已被刪除
醉愛軒達臣 2022-1-19 20:57:36 Ipx-743
法比奧艾簡達拿 2022-1-19 20:59:43 其實米咁多年都叫做有功勞啦
