𠵱個時代用咩 language 寫病毒好?
際遇差窮三代IT狗 2022-1-16 19:05:14 以前用 c 可以 disable 晒啲 keyboard mouse,寫綁架病毒好易

但時代變咗,我諗以前控制 kernel 嘅 sdk 都未必 work,而家啲人用咩 language 寫病毒?



華萊士阿高 2022-1-16 19:06:23 python?
際遇差窮三代IT狗 2022-1-16 19:07:29 build 唔到 native 點會有人中招?
你點影的? 2022-1-16 19:10:56 此回覆已被刪除
瑪斯確 2022-1-16 19:11:15 pascal
Satoshi.Nakamoto 2022-1-16 19:19:57
算子代數 2022-1-16 19:28:09
殺戮都市 2022-1-16 19:28:51 曝露年齡
際遇差窮三代IT狗 2022-1-16 19:30:00 聽人講 C# 有 Pandora Box,開咗可以用 pointer 同寫 assembly
元朗土皇帝 2022-1-16 19:31:38 c++
際遇差窮三代IT狗 2022-1-16 19:31:39 原來 Rust 寫到 trojan


際遇差窮三代IT狗 2022-1-16 19:35:47 好似真係得喎


唔知 Rust 寫唔寫到 RAT
紅帽IT狗 2022-1-16 21:15:49 用gif寫

b.gates 2022-1-16 21:22:24 直接寫machine code
紅帽IT狗 2022-1-16 21:25:46
JBIG2 doesn't have scripting capabilities, but when combined with a vulnerability, it does have the ability to emulate circuits of arbitrary logic gates operating on arbitrary memory. So why not just use that to build your own computer architecture and script that!? That's exactly what this exploit does. Using over 70,000 segment commands defining logical bit operations, they define a small computer architecture with features such as registers and a full 64-bit adder and comparator which they use to search memory and perform arithmetic operations. It's not as fast as Javascript, but it's fundamentally computationally equivalent.

係自己用logic gate寫一個turing complete vm

朽ちち 2022-1-16 21:32:05 用RNA, 傳到成個世界玩幾年
アマツカウト 2022-1-16 22:22:09 速成
烏丸千歳 2022-1-16 23:32:01 go / rust
ClaireXLeon 2022-1-17 05:58:58 此回覆已被刪除
b.gates 2022-1-17 08:41:15 真virtual machine
真理部員工 2022-1-17 09:14:25 RNA


山小小 2022-1-17 09:28:49 史上最強病毒Covid 19用咩寫?
不寫程式的程式員 2022-1-17 09:36:03 virus != trojan
際遇差窮三代IT狗 2022-1-17 19:17:31 用 RNA
旋風管家一拳超人 2022-1-17 20:20:01 pack做exe點都有機會被人打開