達拉斯小牛 2021-2022 討論區(4)
尾友尾友 2022-1-27 13:21:06 屌啲防守搞咩
成日無啦啦畀人打個細run 搞到拉極都接唔開


簡尼唔想踢就走啦 2022-1-27 13:22:36 肥仔差一個板
尾友尾友 2022-1-27 13:24:32 刷完落得場啦
雪割花 2022-1-27 13:28:35 Green 連續2+1
polosupreme 2022-1-27 13:46:55 Scotto: A lot of executives around the league expect either Dorian Finney-Smith or Jalen Brunson to be possibly on the move by the trade deadline since it’ll be tough for Dallas to keep both players going forward and avoid the luxury tax. Regarding Finney-Smith, several teams, including the Hawks, Trail Blazers, Pacers, Wizards, Pelicans, and others have kept tabs on him, I’m told.

Gozlan: They’re already set to be at the luxury tax heading into next season. As good as they’ve been recently, I don’t see them paying the tax unless they get another star. Re-signing one of these guys would require some reshuffling to stay below the tax next year. I’m sure the Mavericks are gauging what the market will look like for these guys right now. If they feel that they are going to get offers that are way more than they’re willing to spend or could get deals that they think could be negative values, I can see them moving on from them now.

Scotto: I’ve heard Jalen Brunson has some admirers in Detroit. They have cap space and are a team to keep an eye on towards the summer. If Dallas is able to enter the mix for Jerami Grant and acquire him, don’t be surprised if either Brunson or Finney-Smith is involved in a trade package. If Dallas is going to part with either player, they’re going to want an asset that helps them win now.
F5 2022-1-27 18:45:50 我覺得通常肥仔第一節分波多啲
polosupreme 2022-1-27 21:47:20 https://mobile.twitter.com/All_Things_Mavs/status/1486695072775254018

Mr.Tam 2022-1-27 22:39:35 15m一年 傻撚左咩 係既真係trade得
腎仔(絕殺) 2022-1-28 08:18:55

尾友尾友 2022-1-28 10:26:19

polosupreme 2022-1-28 11:06:19 佢去其他隊,邊有咁多OPEN LOOK三分機會


德國司機 2022-1-28 11:11:45 SAS個murry高過佢?

除左出場次數多同年齡之外, 有咩高過肥仔?
尾友尾友 2022-1-28 11:23:37 應該因為兩個都無傳媒投票畀佢哋 前兩季太勁 set個標準set得太高 今季差少少 已經畀人屌到開花 明明啲數據同morant差唔多

人生可否重來 2022-1-28 11:24:51 是旦啦 party嚟
尾友尾友 2022-1-28 11:27:19 等睇當值all star後發力冧莊1st team

: I took that personally
快感係鞭度 2022-1-28 11:27:49


三分大賽仲好睇all star
人生可否重來 2022-1-28 11:28:32 係啦 當刺激下肥仔打好d
人生可否重來 2022-1-28 11:29:06 all star本身就係3分大賽
人生可否重來 2022-1-28 11:33:40 佢仲大想頭過Brunson dfs俾盡10M
ThePerfectShot 2022-1-28 11:57:32 dfs 同bullock 差唔多10-12m 一年真係俾盡
但jb 應該真係有隊會開大約俾佢
人生可否重來 2022-1-28 11:58:53 jb實力上可以做弱隊正選點同


Mr.Tam 2022-1-28 12:14:31 係 佢冇持球 防守又唔到頂10m真係頂盡 佢要15m我都唔覺有隊會比佢 jb個價就唔排除啲tank緊既隊會比貴啲花幾年養佢
尾友尾友 2022-1-28 12:17:29 同crowder個價應該差唔多
管理層直接撥個輪問doe doe最清楚
人生可否重來 2022-1-28 12:26:05 放消息咪就係dfs agent
人生可否重來 2022-1-28 23:32:34 傳唔止一隊開到20m俾jb