[ COYS - 見唔到孫仔] 熱刺球迷吹水區 336
艾力臣(回塘) 2022-1-15 21:00:40 快買


shenmue 2022-1-15 21:02:05 送啦
啤巴 2022-1-15 21:22:28
Carter-Vickers 2022-1-15 21:49:56 🚨 LATEST: Arsenal have just 12 available outfield players to face #thfc. Premier League rules state teams must fulfil fixtures if they have 14 players - 13 outfielders and a goalkeeper - available to play. | @TheAthleticUK
火燒天 2022-1-15 22:09:02 唔差在租埋嗰12個走啦
HK仔 2022-1-15 22:11:39
shenmue 2022-1-15 22:12:50 https://twitter.com/David_Ornstein/status/1482345657776099331?s=20

土屋太鳳 2022-1-15 22:16:26 1) The impact of COVID-19 infections on a club’s squad, as well as injuries, illness and those isolating, and the number of players available on the squad list and any Under-21 players with appropriate experience. Where a club cannot field 13 outfield players and a goalkeeper either from its squad list or its appropriately experienced Under-21 players, the match will be postponed.

當初賽會話傷病都計埋 不過冇講包埋非洲杯喎
Daniel_Levy 2022-1-15 22:26:57 Arsenal vs Spurs cancelled. #afc #thfc
Carter-Vickers 2022-1-15 22:32:07 咩叫appropriately experienced
佛洛伊德冇醫德 2022-1-15 22:33:14 咁都比佢哋cancel唔係掛


土屋太鳳 2022-1-15 22:36:30 任佢定義 我地既話可能Scarlett有歐洲賽經驗都計
張娜拉 2022-1-15 22:37:25 話撚咗scum喺FA有人㗎啦,你班熱狗係唔信

土屋太鳳 2022-1-15 22:40:59 猁開壞左個頭
滿漢大餐 2022-1-15 22:42:14 即係同你講FA話事,你有人喺佢哋board 到就搞掂
PierluigiGollini 2022-1-15 22:43:42 Dllm
HK仔 2022-1-15 22:52:20 Cls

Niceonesonny 2022-1-15 22:52:53 人地李城都照踢啦。。。
土屋太鳳 2022-1-15 22:58:29 李城停左半個月
土屋太鳳 2022-1-15 22:59:28 素素vs脆
Carter-Vickers 2022-1-15 23:05:32 唔淨計COVID 陽性




Niceonesonny 2022-1-15 23:06:44 https://twitter.com/thespursweb/status/1482355153785217031?s=21
HK仔 2022-1-15 23:08:17 而家踢少4場,遲下補賽就仆街了
土屋太鳳 2022-1-15 23:09:32 最初官方新聞稿冇講包埋啲國際賽事架 淨係講左武肺同傷病
艾力臣(回塘) 2022-1-15 23:10:03 咁點解雷恩唔踢又批我地輸 垃圾準則