[福狗躝] 曼聯終極FF轉會窗吹水區 [1619]
S_Kagawa(迷15妹) 2022-1-13 08:42:48 "I do remember one time, coming into training at United the day after a defeat, still feeling very annoyed and walking into the dressing room with Michael Carrick. We found Jesse and Paul dancing in there with the music on. I went over, turned it off and took the speakers out of the dressing room — because that’s my mindset, that’s how I’ve grown up in football." Rooney



熊餅 2022-1-13 08:44:24

角度問題, 大米同基亞連尼仲有啲距離

Gay界四天王 2022-1-13 08:44:41 可能佢地以為下半場換卡雲尼
Luke梳 2022-1-13 08:47:30 此回覆已被刪除
你地 2022-1-13 08:49:05 堅尼之前又有講同一番說話,但係對象係朗尼同李奧
Luke梳 2022-1-13 08:49:45 此回覆已被刪除
S_Kagawa(迷15妹) 2022-1-13 08:50:07 大帝 > 堅尼 > 朗隊 > 麥龜

Jadon_Sancho 2022-1-13 08:50:37 之前有條撚樣話牙朗破壞逼搶,結果畀人秒佢話蘇b根本就唔係踢開逼搶
wucfu-王家晴老公 2022-1-13 08:51:18 如果係費蛇 福狗呢啲撚樣一早入左雪櫃
Luke梳 2022-1-13 08:52:08 此回覆已被刪除
熊餅 2022-1-13 08:52:22 蝗疤嗰場杯賽飛去沙特踢架, 西甲為錢去到咁盡


慈父菲利普 2022-1-13 08:52:43 丙朗都唔係,咁邊個係
Gay界四天王 2022-1-13 08:53:04 為左反朗可以講到sob係戰術大師咁
慈父菲利普 2022-1-13 08:53:47 如果咁講普巴都唔會番黎喇
熊餅 2022-1-13 08:54:04 真, 條友越踢越沉, 派膠派到無哂信心
口硬賓洲軟 2022-1-13 08:54:05 一世唔返肥西
口硬賓洲軟 2022-1-13 08:55:15 而家無一個靚仔會比你咁樣捉住屌
Luke梳 2022-1-13 08:55:27 此回覆已被刪除
Richardbillyham 2022-1-13 08:55:35 佢自己都比個隊長位害𨶙死
森內貴寬 2022-1-13 08:55:47 數少左口水佬
夜子若+ 2022-1-13 08:57:55 上場曼區有幾件


熊餅 2022-1-13 08:58:02 蘇蛇俾個隊長佢+搵佢built-up害死佢啦

踢啲簡單啲好似英撚咁咪好, 蘇蛇抄功課抄到咁
Jadon_Sancho 2022-1-13 09:01:07 咪反啦
靴里拉賓州 2022-1-13 09:01:18 前鋒唔入波
S_Kagawa(迷15妹) 2022-1-13 09:01:45 Alan Shearer has called Marcus Rashford to offer him his support. He offered him tips on handling the pressure and expectation that is on his shoulders at the moment and convinced him that he can come through this period in his career.