[福狗躝] 曼聯終極FF轉會窗吹水區 [1619]
護連手(迷冰) 2022-1-14 09:55:44 伊巴,踢到而家仲ok 跟得上意甲


死獌狗 2022-1-14 09:57:42 福頭 牙木 普巴
熊餅 2022-1-14 09:59:08 曼迷降低咗咁多標準, 都頂唔順班球員

好多事 2022-1-14 10:00:36 此回覆已被刪除
海格力斯 2022-1-14 10:01:24 放鬆d咪永遠贏唔到冠軍囉
好多事 2022-1-14 10:02:36 此回覆已被刪除
白菜 2022-1-14 10:03:34 想知班細既俾朗屌完會唔會有d羞恥心
海格力斯 2022-1-14 10:04:06 人地借牙朗個名抬高自己姐


呢班人hea慣左 無架喇
舜魕廌言 2022-1-14 10:06:16 伊巴真係癲 本身對自己要求高 又勤力
同埋佢平時講下笑玩玩下 咁先舞得掂班大帝
反而牙朗份人有d 毒 一擺大佬款 班大帝就驚
我叫Mata(Alter) 2022-1-14 10:09:21 "The mature players, the older players can always help the young players," Ronaldo told Premier League Productions. "But, I can give you an example, if I give you advice, even if you are younger than me and if you don't implant that in a daily life it will be difficult.

"You can speak all day with that person. If he's not coming from inside of you it's impossible. I remember when I was 18, 19, 20, some old players speak with me and I put that as, 'Cristiano, you know you have to improve. They know more than you, they are more experienced than you'. They passed through many bad moments.

"But the other people (youngsters), they don't accept that if you criticise them. I don't say this in relation to our players but in general. I have kids, I know. Sometimes when you're a little bit harder, they do the opposite, you have to find the right balance to speak with them.

我叫Mata(Alter) 2022-1-14 10:10:18 都係,呢啲已經唔只係講天份,仲有超乎常人嘅爭勝心同自律


陸柒捌玖 2022-1-14 10:10:36 原來帶隊波走上正軌係有問題,真係令我大開眼界
摩登時代 2022-1-14 10:12:08 伊巴淨係對自己要求高
佢果種傲氣係覺得全世界得我天生咁勁 你班凡夫俗子廢啲好正常
C朗相反係覺得自己憑努力成功 見到隊友唔努力就睇唔過眼
熊餅 2022-1-14 10:18:01 呢個太陽報讀心講出嚟, 球員無講過

唔覺得班球員唔妥阿朗, 跟唔上佢訓練進度就真
陸柒捌玖 2022-1-14 10:19:41 講真,C朗都唔算好難夾既球員啫,但依家前面幾個就成日踢到好似街場咁
StackOverflow 2022-1-14 10:20:18 叫佢傳波
即 do the opposite
海格力斯 2022-1-14 10:24:46 好明顯福係喇

無事兒 2022-1-14 10:25:34 朗哥開聲撐lan sir
Ciri 2022-1-14 10:27:27 馬狗 Lin vdb 般 麥湯 山曹對佢黎講都係young players
########## 2022-1-14 10:27:37 刷柒班懶懶散散就啱啦
so9太好人 種得太多
Ciri 2022-1-14 10:28:34 龜Fred福都唔認
咁仲有邊個 繼續數下


觀塘馬後炮 2022-1-14 10:29:29 英撚幫最大勢力 龜 Awb shaw 福 綠木
熊餅 2022-1-14 10:30:55 傳緊公佈社交距離延長多14日, 攬炒之母

晴天蛙蛙逆插玫瑰 2022-1-14 10:32:53 右下角嗰兩個嘅反應
奧脫福剪草員 2022-1-14 10:35:54 獌班英撚本身又自大 仲要俾個德國佬教
俾人屌就淨係識say no to racism