猴哥 2022-2-15 22:24:49


琴秀畢儒 2022-2-15 23:01:50 驚讀唔黎好過啦識sql 唔夠,我識人文科仔讀cs 兩年4個sem都有fail
我嘅訴求就係番工 2022-2-15 23:22:42 打算去邊度做pcr?可以好快有結果 又有曬個人資料滿足入境要求 檢測站果啲又慢 又show唔到咩個人資料 好似唔可行?
孟婆湯 2022-2-15 23:26:13
在泥濘中綻放 2022-2-16 16:04:07 GP 收咗錢,75aud

希望oshc claim 得足
依度呀文迪 2022-2-16 21:40:50
孟婆湯 2022-2-17 01:16:00
once. 2022-2-17 01:27:14
孟婆湯 2022-2-17 01:35:17
once. 2022-2-17 01:36:05
once. 2022-2-17 01:36:58 Singapore Airlines will suspend SQ882 and SQ894 , its two daily passenger services from Singapore to Hong Kong from 16 February to 1 March 2022, to comply with regulatory requirements from the Hong Kong authorities.

SQ883 and SQ895, the twice-daily passenger services from Hong Kong to Singapore, are not affected


孟婆湯 2022-2-17 01:37:36
孟婆湯 2022-2-17 01:38:36
once. 2022-2-17 01:40:15
孟婆湯 2022-2-17 01:42:07
Moyashi 2022-2-17 01:55:47 我個心離一離

不過香港政府做野, 真係唔知會唔會ban埋
水成文 2022-2-17 09:43:05 Ching從新加坡飛邊
Moyashi 2022-2-17 10:36:44
我嘅訴求就係番工 2022-2-17 12:31:30 哇 屌 萬一ban埋883/895 可以有咩解決方法
你前我後大家享受 2022-2-17 12:32:40 上禮拜 SQ 883 已到墨爾本
我嘅訴求就係番工 2022-2-17 16:47:24 而家過關係唔係自助過關? 打指模?面部識別?


你前我後大家享受 2022-2-17 17:04:30 宜家係面部識別
孟婆湯 2022-2-17 19:53:54 我都想知
喂掂啊 2022-2-17 20:10:58
孟婆湯 2022-2-18 00:43:51