[動畫POST]進擊的巨人The Final Season Part 2 (68) RUMBLING RUMBLING
木兔光太郎 2022-1-10 23:03:45 咁快新gif


艾倫笑下先 2022-1-10 23:05:30 說好的GIF放po 頭
2022-1-10 23:05:41 係。而且 Jake Retake 已經自己收咗皮啦

艾倫笑下先 2022-1-10 23:07:35
sparda 2022-1-10 23:08:33 今集唔少位拖喎, 咩料
記憶凌亂散落 2022-1-10 23:09:12 擺咗下面嗰張啦
連茲(倫廚) 2022-1-10 23:10:27 黃viu啦,再唔係用vpn去巴哈姆特,Netflix咁慢翻譯又唔掂
連茲(倫廚) 2022-1-10 23:11:14
連茲(倫廚) 2022-1-10 23:14:27 有冇話咩事收咗皮,單純因為巨人個結局?
糖兄的餐單 2022-1-10 23:15:42 記得仲有兩個外國人會做啲On9 Cosplay先Reaction
2022-1-10 23:17:06 唔關結局事,起碼佢條片表現自己係神作黨

主要係佢唔想做 reactor,但係轉型做評論家、vtuber 又失敗,咁就消失咗

I remember watching his reactions years ago. As some of you know, he deleted most of his stuff and tried to rebrand himself with new content, believing he was capable of more than just reaction videos, however, he had trouble being consistent with uploads and convincing his audience to trust his new content decision

I followed this journey of his, and it was very frustrating for both him and the viewers, he made a few livestreams trying to make all the people asking for reactions unsubscribe, but during these livestreams, after a calm start, he would always start freaking out towards the end, going on rants about how he hates his fanbase, about how he hates all youtubers, how they are all pieces of shit

And how the worrying part, he would start being self loathing, talking about his depression, constantly mocking both his own looks, and himself as a person, and from what he said it was obviously due to him trying to make youtube work but not quite nailing it, on top of the finantial problems he constantly mentioned. Those livestreams were brutal, but there were only about 100 viewers Max.

He then went on a few hiatuses, came back, tried to be a Vtuber, got disappointed that nobody came to watch his debut, and then he posted some tweets hinting at his depression once again. In some livestream after that he did afterwards he mentioned about how none of his friends gave a shit (I'm assuming he was referring to the friends he made in the reaction community like semblance of sanity, because he also removed the pics with them from his profile)

After this, he made more promises he didn't deliver on about his youtube channel, but then one day he just deleted all of his twitter, and stopped being active (his last liked post is from october 5th)

With all the depression and self harm talk, I just got worried about him, tried looking up his name to see if anyone at all was talking about him, if any of the more loyal viewers were discussing him but no luck, that's why I made this post, to inform people who might now know, and see if anyone has any info on him at all because while he can be just fine and inactive due to life situations, there's always the other option...


艾倫笑下先 2022-1-10 23:17:07

爆菊神童 2022-1-10 23:17:24 屌個GIF好撚正
艾倫笑下先 2022-1-10 23:17:54 係咪strawboys
糖兄的餐單 2022-1-10 23:20:40
艾倫笑下先 2022-1-10 23:20:49 竟然係咁…不過真係太多人想出頭嘅,佢之前風格真係幾特別
太空大肥羊 2022-1-10 23:22:41 仲未慣mappa
爆菊神童 2022-1-10 23:24:53 吉克到底有冇叫
2022-1-10 23:27:28 佢要行絕育Plan,直接切J算啦
連茲(倫廚) 2022-1-10 23:27:34 乜原來佢好憎佢啲fans同其他youtuber,而且又有抑鬱症又剩,睇佢之前啲Reaction真係唔覺喎,仲覺得佢好搞笑
艾爾文(劇透師) 2022-1-10 23:28:41 港股巴已經唔係到了


艾倫笑下先 2022-1-10 23:29:28 可能比壓力自己要做到更大,唔易嘅…
艾倫笑下先 2022-1-10 23:29:39 佢有出現啊
艾爾文(劇透師) 2022-1-10 23:30:48 冇追哂po添
艾倫笑下先 2022-1-10 23:31:47 呢個po 頭就係佢