Sony 真無線降噪耳機 WF-1000XM4 (24)
丁典 2022-1-26 20:55:24 想知xm4帶得耐會唔會唔舒服


拾壹分平庸 2022-1-26 20:58:11 XPERIA1III
暴大食屎系 2022-1-27 18:31:45 呢個係XM4 post
拾壹分平庸 2022-1-27 18:41:28 WF1000XM4
追風箏的傻子 2022-1-27 23:28:22 dls 又有新壞法
剩係得一邊有聲 但個app 顯示兩邊都連線正常
金金人 2022-1-28 01:27:51 有冇試過重設?

Follow these steps to restore factory settings on your Sony WF-1000XM4 headphones;

1.Put both of the earbuds into the charging case.
2.Touch and hold the sensor on the back of both earbuds at the same time.
3.Hold the sensors for 10 seconds and release 5 seconds after the LED indicator in front of the case flashes red.
6.This step is very important, you must release your finger exactly after 5 seconds of the LED flashing red.
Otherwise, your device will not initialize and reset to factory settings and you will need to repeat the process again.
The LED indicator will flash green 4 times when the initializing process is complete.
7.Now, go to the Bluetooth menu on the device to which your Sony WF-1000XM4 headphones are connected. Delete, un-pair, or forget your headphones from the device.
野田雞 2022-1-28 12:25:34 我個耳機放咗落個耳機盒裏面都唔識自動斷線
無止境的冗 2022-1-28 12:35:43 耳綿邊隻ok?
三級榮譽畢業 2022-1-28 14:19:45
拾壹分平庸 2022-1-28 14:28:51 xm3已經過時
三級榮譽畢業 2022-1-28 14:39:55


在你遙遠的附近 2022-1-28 15:58:14 黑色耳棉S/L換M
法蘭西檸七 2022-1-28 16:58:32 唔好,差唔多3年前既產物
青山賭徙 2022-1-28 17:39:08 儲多少少 買水貨囉
硬漢子 2022-1-28 21:18:19 而家個update係咪有伏?升唔升得過
Zweigen_K7 2022-1-28 21:20:04 個配戴感差好遠
XM3 唔係戴得好實
On撚鳩鳩食賓周 2022-1-28 21:52:59 無論APP 同耳筒個firmware
如果而家滿意,我覺得唔UP 好過UP
香港(未光復) 2022-1-29 00:09:59 Same
5GJM9. 2022-1-29 04:03:49 Sony 啲單完好易壞 check 多幾次冇死
我女朋友係空姐 2022-1-29 04:04:35 最後換咗隻新比我
煞氣a屁孩 2022-1-29 04:13:45 買咗3個月,用音質優先,手機放褲袋會斷下斷下,有時過馬路又斷一斷,搞到要攞住部手機行路,想問下呢個問題有冇得攞去整?


飛膠鑊 2022-1-29 08:45:16 LDAC易受干擾好正常喇
金金人 2022-1-29 14:24:13 請問是以邊款手提電話?
有啲手提電話,出咗名藍牙比較弱,例如 Xperia MK I, 某啲年期嘅iphone 。
特朗譜 2022-1-29 15:06:02 買咗兩個月暫時都重開心用緊

利申 iPhone
我講吓你就信? 2022-1-29 15:20:34 Iphone 用xm4 傾電話 俾fd屌 收音好差