[本地足球] 2021/22 港超聯、亞冠、亞協及香港隊討論區 (38)
EA幾時比我贏? 2022-1-21 23:35:56 就係唔算,上面開始有風吹


EA幾時比我贏? 2022-1-21 23:37:21 你好煩
EA幾時比我贏? 2022-1-21 23:37:31
chiquitita 2022-1-21 23:38:20 支那狗港甲吳多覺中xi病毒死
民主黨賣香港 2022-1-21 23:40:18 屌你老母支那狗
民主黨賣香港 2022-1-21 23:42:08 你班支那人就咪撚上連登啦
chiquitita 2022-1-21 23:43:20 講支那話支那狗EA幾時比我贏好撚煩
EA幾時比我贏? 2022-1-21 23:44:24 呢兩個係咪分身?
EA幾時比我贏? 2022-1-21 23:45:20 你要兩個ac轉來轉去會唔會好忙?
Juan_Belencoso 2022-1-21 23:55:23 此回覆已被刪除
港甲吳多覺 2022-1-22 00:03:34 收皮啦 我次次都留言屌支那猶戴你唔撚講


鼠B 2022-1-22 00:04:50 快走
民主黨賣香港 2022-1-22 00:06:05 本地足球?
真名開帳戶 2022-1-22 00:06:09 金狗會唔會學金正男咁die for馬拉
Juan_Belencoso 2022-1-22 00:06:28 此回覆已被刪除
鼠B 2022-1-22 00:07:32 好似話泰國會改law
符合返世界反禁藥組織d要求就可以解host ban
鼠B 2022-1-22 00:08:46 呢d都唔討論得
民主黨賣香港 2022-1-22 00:09:47 你條撚樣出黎講野咪可以屌柒你囉
法比恩舒亞 2022-1-22 00:12:10 。。。
鼠B 2022-1-22 00:12:34 拜托比多少養份
民主黨賣香港 2022-1-22 00:13:10 洗撚尊重你咩柒頭


簡淑兒(迷敏) 2022-1-22 00:17:30 呢句講得啱
鼠B 2022-1-22 00:42:27 https://www.nemzetisport.hu/magyar_valogatott/jatekossors-tobb-korabbi-valogatott-futballista-is-csapatot-keres-maganak-2869621

Player fate: Several former national football players are looking for a team

Krisztián Vadócz, a world traveler, last played in Montevideo Wanderers, the first league in Uruguay, and is currently a free-standing football player. The midfielder trained in Kispest in September, but they didn't need his services, although the football player said he was feeling good, he has been running, climbing stairs and swimming ever since, only he misses the game. He had a chance to justify himself to Africa, possibly ending up in Mezőkövesd, but his new team still doesn't exist.

"I've been looking for a team for a long time ," Krisztián Vadócz told our newspaper . - In September, I trained for two weeks on the second team of the Honvéd, and then I asked if they would count on me based on what I saw, but I received a negative answer, and the leaders of the club said the same thing these days. I guess I'll never ask him again ... I've always thought that if I didn't have to go to the Honvéd, I'd stop playing football, but I wouldn't feel weak. Every market is completely different, possibly returning to India, looking for it every year at the beginning of summer, but now it’s winter, by this time the framework is coming together, not to mention that clubs can employ fewer legions. My presence in Uruguay has also left its mark on the region, it’s not inconceivable that I’ll end up in South America, and the African opportunity is still alive. The coronavirus situation doesn’t help my situation, and well, I’m 36 years old, and that’s not the age that’s appealing to a club looking for a player. I also talked to a lot of teams here at home, as I can see, they think differently in the Hungarian market than abroad ... I have come to the conclusion that I will try to find my way as a legionnaire in the future as well. Something is just coming together. ”
阿里姐姐 2022-1-22 01:50:08 唔使驚咁多,勞烈斯踢中超嗰陣應該會係咁蝦碌,嗰段適應期足以比港隊叫佢入隊
A_Nesta13 2022-1-22 01:58:59 去嚟做乜.... 港超咪仲高班