LIHKG [Love u always] 0118 YUJU正式出道 首張個人迷你專輯[REC.]大發(10)
仙氣女神御琳軍 2022-1-18 17:32:39 cold winter好正wor


D.Parker 2022-1-18 17:33:23 幾正
BabyFive 2022-1-18 17:33:25
S4816 2022-1-18 17:35:54 cold winter覺得除咗rap之外都好聽
祝你出邊團霉邊團 2022-1-18 17:36:19 呢種曲風真係好啱佢

嗰種漫不經心 I don’t give a fuck嘅感覺真係好正


ReneSeulWen 2022-1-18 17:41:14 女團comeback show 專業戶

ReneSeulWen 2022-1-18 17:42:53 姜丹除左一開始拍拖熱戀期時hea應下fans外 其他時候都好認真下
仙氣女神御琳軍 2022-1-18 17:43:09 rap果下好突入
ReneSeulWen 2022-1-18 17:43:17 真係好正
夜闌靜 2022-1-18 17:46:08 開頭我覺得好普通 但有RAP個下就開始正
BabyFive 2022-1-18 17:47:16 Burn my broken heart
For all countless times
I'm going to say something that I've been waiting to say
like it never happened, you departed

In disarray, as if I'm flying away
With you deeply in my heart

You played my love like a game
I gave it my best with all my heart
When the flowers bloom beautifully and turned red,
You broke it and far way, you departed

(You departed)

Sewing up the time that's been cut into pieces
No matter how many times I look back,
We're just like fireworks that sparkle and quickly put out
I'm becoming pieces of ash (oh)
As if my eyes are turning red.
With you deeply in my heart

You played my love like a game.
I gave it my best with all my heart.
When the flowers bloom beautifully and turned red,
You broke it and far way, you departed

(You departed)

Like this game was meaningless
I am so exhausted and tired
Take off the last leaf and fly away
So long

You played my love like a game
I gave it my best with all my heart
When the flowers bloom beautifully and turned red,
You broke it and far way, you departed

(You departed)

歇後語: Source Music 𨳒你老母


神SinB 2022-1-18 17:49:31 上水

艾伊莎李彩英 2022-1-18 17:51:05 好好聽
喜歡甜蜜的滋味 2022-1-18 17:51:36
occe 2022-1-18 17:54:47 第一次聽完歌會抖大氣

仙氣女神御琳軍 2022-1-18 17:56:45 點會無高音 主打起碼有幾個位都高音位
但我覺得聽得好舒服 好有驚喜
occe 2022-1-18 18:08:59 依家豬D低音係好X正
音遠 2022-1-18 18:09:19 比起以前GFRIEND啲高音更加收放自如
仙氣女神御琳軍 2022-1-18 18:09:47 高中低音都超正 豬仔功力真係勁左好多
夜闌靜 2022-1-18 18:10:26 歌手果然由歌去表達心聲
仙氣女神御琳軍 2022-1-18 18:10:29 高音位唱到唔洗用力咁


夜闌靜 2022-1-18 18:12:30 以前高音位聽落係力度同硬度 同有機會會太刺耳
家陣係柔D 聽落舒服 感覺佢唔會好用力已經唱到好高音
夜闌靜 2022-1-18 18:12:53 家陣變左想聽佢D低音多
皮亞爾個心 2022-1-18 18:16:32 cold winter好好聽 好有舊時kpop啲歌嘅feel
BabyFive 2022-1-18 18:18:45