『歸家post』BNO 5+1 VISA 申請資訊 (24) 直航英國等候區
黑狗當災死全家 2022-1-11 04:22:08


酸民治日鮮 2022-1-11 04:50:28 當你拎到ILR時而佢未夠18歲嘅話,佢已經可以直接申請註冊成為BC,唔使等你

Source Section 1(3), British Nationality Act 1981

1(3) A person born in the United Kingdom after commencement who is not a British citizen by virtue of subsection (1) [F7, (1A)] or (2) [F8or section 10A] shall be entitled to be registered as a British citizen if, while he is a minor—
(a)his father or mother becomes a British citizen or becomes settled in the United Kingdom; and
(b)an application is made for his registration as a British citizen.

513453 2022-1-11 09:58:39 個邊放假都咁快?

我早兩日都申請左 希望唔好跌入黑洞
相思明月 2022-1-11 13:01:18
精連算登師 2022-1-11 14:33:40 收到,多謝巴打解答
精連算登師 2022-1-11 14:35:27 唔該曬
Kashiyuka 2022-1-11 14:46:56 12月中同伴侶申請visa,尋日自己收到email批咗,唔使一個月
跳唔到1cm 2022-1-11 16:47:30 12月10號到而家都未批
所記 2022-1-11 17:59:17
相思明月 2022-1-11 18:48:26
Easymode 2022-1-11 18:58:58


摩西斯襪奶茶 2022-1-11 19:03:22
Easymode 2022-1-11 19:07:29
Easymode 2022-1-11 19:08:12
摩西斯襪奶茶 2022-1-11 19:21:34 EK由27/3開始重用A380飛HKG-BKK-DXB
_Hysterica 2022-1-11 19:33:19 十月尾整完 終於7號收到approval email


潛行胸間 2022-1-11 19:34:25 大家申請visa大概用咗幾耐先批?
路爾梵 2022-1-11 19:41:38
潛行胸間 2022-1-11 19:44:53
我愛石原!!! 2022-1-11 19:48:26
潛行胸間 2022-1-11 19:49:49


上高登勿諗真 2022-1-11 19:58:40
Kashiyuka 2022-1-11 20:24:03 結咗婚冇耐,因為老婆冇bno。佢申請個part有填返我個UAN
我愛死民建聯 2022-1-11 20:52:40 以我知各自申請無得填對方UAN的
但有條問題好似係Is anyone applying with you果到就應該填yes,之後好似會問你同佢關係,佢個名同passport no.

利申:未申請bno visa
吸J大笨象 2022-1-11 21:35:15