[親生仔] Google Pixel 討論區 (76)
蕉直相對 2022-1-3 17:16:39 google qc


五河琴里 2022-1-3 17:26:23 is a joke
FunFun 2022-1-3 18:14:16 https://t.me/pixel6_123
請問賣左未? 隻色我啱有興趣買.
僕のダーリンた 2022-1-3 19:26:59 連仔可唔可以幫手fix bug

pixel 6 pro睇緊quoted reply嗰時向上下定左右swipe個gesture 時得時唔得

連尼住 2022-1-3 19:29:32 向下應該冇問題, 向右就可能會撞到system
僕のダーリンた 2022-1-3 19:33:33 唔係喎 向下都係時得時唔得
我用three button navigation 同埋 Nova launcher
pixel 3都係咁用都無事
Pixel首席打手HK 2022-1-3 19:41:43 連仔可唔可以整個option比人set 正負皮按鍵放左定右
卡斯柏 2022-1-3 20:11:49 師兄,想問請楚再出手

我去咗apple shop試,個無線叉係吸得穩嘅,但試佢原裝卡套就應該只可以話吸得住,想問下moft呢嗰吸力會唔會勁啲?可以正常打開支架?打橫懸空嗰隻方法又得唔得?
Fduejsjfiwksjrh 2022-1-3 20:14:13 我呢隻算好實, 起碼HOLD係手可以依賴下, 打直 / 直接打橫做stand係OK的
所以我CASE到左, 就會買個magsafer貼, 就會好實, 一定無問題
巴爸笠畢巴 2022-1-3 21:33:59
alley 2022-1-3 22:05:18 剛訂左唔知會唔會CUT單

BTW 想問下D銀行APP用到未? 我單機走天涯如果用唔到都好煩下....


大香蕉 2022-1-3 22:16:36 有冇人知台版6P用唔用到smartone 4.5G?
qwsazx 2022-1-3 22:17:53 用chrome上web 版有時睇睇下post就會lag咗, 拉唔到落去
leezy 2022-1-3 22:28:54 4.5咪即係4g
星塵之回憶 2022-1-3 22:48:04 台版6P用緊自由鳥esim覆你
唱雙黃白蓮蓉 2022-1-3 23:03:46 你咩銀行先?
上個 post 睇到匯豐, 行山, payme 都 work
貧窮線下的人 2022-1-3 23:04:47
追風箏的傻子 2022-1-4 02:27:47 有無邊年d qc 係無問題
揉奶樂 2022-1-4 02:28:33 [緊急求救] Pixel 4 死機
Pixel 4 電磁得個問號,
你都忽忽哋 2022-1-4 09:00:44 請問有冇師兄知道點樣用到畫中畫功能?例如睇Facebook直播又可以用倒WhatsApp。
平行宇宙 2022-1-4 10:38:50 此回覆已被刪除


springlala 2022-1-4 10:52:46
springlala 2022-1-4 11:03:17 好似話有野鬆左detect 唔到粒電 , 4XL 可以咁頂住先再 backup 野, 但 Pixel 4 唔 sure 係咪呢個位..自己 search 下..

try this One Weird Trick
- Turn phone over and look at the back
- find a point about 1 inch from the bottom, and 3/4 inch from the right side
- press this spot with your thumb REALLY hard
Try pushing more points nearby and see if this recovers your battery.
Bowyer 2022-1-4 11:31:19 Swipe up on Home button.
Swipe up from the bottom of your screen to the top.
Open an app.
From the bottom of your screen, swipe up, hold, then let go.
Touch and hold the app's icon.
Tap Split screen.
You'll see two screens. In the second screen, tap another app.
你都忽忽哋 2022-1-4 11:45:03 唔該你先!但我想搵嘅係畫中畫。