加拿大Stream A - 課金揮手交流區2
究竟做乜好 2022-1-27 16:39:45


南海之王(已認輸) 2022-1-27 20:39:18 degree畢業>5年, 就要讀2年制non-pg課程.

5年內就可以駁2年post grad/master, 唔岩?
RAYIXR 2022-1-27 20:41:19 5年內可駁最少一年post grad
Master 冇限,過左5年都可報一年master再申請PR
南海之王(已認輸) 2022-1-27 21:46:59 PGD 要5年內degree 畢業, 唔係咩? 上1個degree > 5 years 唔可以靠pgd?

If you have a graduate or post-graduate diploma or certificate

You must also have completed a post-secondary diploma or degree (from Canada or from abroad), as a prerequisite to this graduate or post-graduate program.

You must have competed this prerequisite diploma or degree in the 5 years before you started your graduate or post-graduate program.
南海之王(已認輸) 2022-1-27 21:50:09 with one of the following:

a diploma (not graduate or post-graduate) for a program of at least 2 years
a degree (associate, bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral)
a graduate or post-graduate diploma or certificate for a program of at least 1 year and

with at least 50% of your program completed in Canada (either in person or online)

咁樣寫, pgd 2年應該唔可以當 a diploma (not graduate or post-graduate) for a program of at least 2 years
RAYIXR 2022-1-27 22:07:57 或者簡單啲咁講…

Stream A 讀最少一年post grad 申請PR
Stream B 做一年申請PR

2,完成degree 馬上申請PR, 但degree絕大部份都係四年制,而家都未讀嘅人基本上趕唔切申請期限
3,完成最少1年既master(或以上), 但master 一年制課程好少。網上都有人分享完成一年master 申請緊PR
26-11-2016 2022-1-27 22:11:30 想知condo 平唔平過10000$
RAYIXR 2022-1-27 22:13:21 邊度先?租studio condo?
現場環境唔安全 2022-1-27 22:14:09 我都想知 其實都只係想自己一個人住 細啲都得
RAYIXR 2022-1-27 22:14:36 去d搵樓網其實都睇曬大概租金
RAYIXR 2022-1-27 22:16:24 參考呢幾個網站


南海之王(已認輸) 2022-1-27 22:35:20 即係無理解錯. 5年以上就只有咁樣.

1年master唔止少, 要求都高同chur. degree就唔使諗, 同埋本身都有degree再讀degree無學術目標就算. 焗揀2年dip, 唔好報錯pgd.
豬寶台 2022-1-27 23:30:53 我都係想一個人住,有D月租千蚊多D加紙,好平,唔知有冇伏

我只信TSM 2022-1-27 23:38:27 你條link係basement wor. 咁basement千幾蚊大把選擇啦
豬寶台 2022-1-28 00:20:40 原來係咁
一定要中出 2022-1-28 00:31:34 呢到有無人係住basement
南海之王(已認輸) 2022-1-28 00:39:12 夠平真係唔介意.
26-11-2016 2022-1-28 01:07:54 我都搵緊~1300蚊多啲加紙 studio 同女朋友一齊過去
盡量睇啲有3d photo
訓晏覺專員 2022-1-28 03:26:31 最近有冇人申請study permit?
蠟筆小新個屁屁 2022-1-28 04:12:31 呻下 呢度讀書真係好撚chur 好辛苦
I.T汪汪 2022-1-28 04:36:47 有冇人可以講下it programing diploma 對比香港 ive/U?
難唔難?點chur 法?


NVDA養全家 2022-1-28 06:57:55 讀咩?
諏訪神社非洲分部 2022-1-28 07:14:20 此回覆已被刪除
夏冬 2022-1-28 07:33:25 1個sem 6-7科
好多次每科每個星期都1份quiz+workshop 咁囉

問過讀it d frd 話深淺程度同香港差唔多
RAYIXR 2022-1-28 07:48:22 好多人分享各方面都一定chur過香港普通香港degree
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