加拿大Stream A - 課金揮手交流區2
不傷心的魚 2022-1-25 14:44:05


NVDA養全家 2022-1-25 14:49:04 我已經land埋開咗學
elon.musk. 2022-1-25 14:51:23 咁我唔知啦我就真係有fd中左伏
復必泰 2022-1-25 15:40:09
究竟做乜好 2022-1-25 16:25:35
嘔凸斃 2022-1-25 16:39:20 我自己係搵走左既前上司寫,我諗正常都係會用公司信紙,好似正式少少,prof幫你寫都唔代表間大學推薦你啦,我覺得冇乜所謂,不過話事權係你推薦人到,尊重佢諗法,佢唔肯既都可以搵第二個人寫既

Apostrophe 2022-1-25 17:34:25
自摺專員 2022-1-25 17:42:13
三四幸人二 2022-1-25 19:54:07 學校reply within 2 yrs..

A diploma is a 60 credit program, that is mean to be completed within two years.

1 year has 2 academic semester: Winter semester (January to April) and Fall semester (September to December). So over two years you have the option to complete the program in 4 semesters. There is also a summer semester (May to August). Some students take the summer off and take a heavy load of courses in the Fall and Winter semester, while other students like to take courses during all 3 semesters.
我想去冰島 2022-1-25 20:22:23
廢老開心果 2022-1-25 20:38:03 佢收幾錢,好奇問


我想去冰島 2022-1-25 20:47:32 未知 想試too
不想放手 2022-1-25 20:54:08 我都係用股票acct入面嘅cash成功左
我想去冰島 2022-1-25 21:47:26
滋味滋味棒 2022-1-25 21:51:24 Agent係收學校錢
我想去冰島 2022-1-25 22:00:42 原來係咁
我係香港人呀D 2022-1-25 22:01:21 其實畢業多過5年係咪讀兩年書行stream a最穩陣
EE 都要計分可以有排搞
蘆葦不是葱 2022-1-25 23:10:04 最近有加拿大 Recuiter 搵我,有 interview,問我 expected salary,叫我計下先答

所以想問下 Toronto 居住洗費大概要幾多?
RAYIXR 2022-1-25 23:14:47 其實畢業多過5年的話年紀都有返咁上下
除非PHD, 雅思8777或去過加拿大讀書做野咁就又快又穩陣
三四幸人二 2022-1-25 23:22:51 business analytics好似得post grad
三四幸人二 2022-1-25 23:24:03 Thanks for your interest. Our program is 2-year diploma program, includes 4 semesters. Definitely you can have 3-year work permit after your graduation.



RAYIXR 2022-1-25 23:27:24 應該得,佢報IRCC都係 2yrs program 就冇問題
三四幸人二 2022-1-25 23:34:13 check 左係dli can offer pgwp, 學校網寫有coop, 仲有無野check? thanks
我想去冰島 2022-1-25 23:34:15 其他科都要數學合格?
一定要中出 2022-1-26 00:43:38 指Dse 2?