2022-2-18 07:01:11
Fans aren't happy for the Justice League cameo at 'Peacemaker's finale episode - They called out for dismissing Ray Fisher and Ben Affleck as well as Superman and Wonder Woman's faceless cameos.
"...there are reasons for it, but I’m actually uncertain whether I can say what those reasons are. It might have to do with future stuff," James Gunn responds.
2022-2-18 08:53:00
I really appreciated that not only did you acknowledge that the Justice League would probably be the best people to handle the crisis in the finale, but they show up after the battle was already over.
“We didn’t have the budget for them to show up on time. Never been able to do it. They had to show up late.”
So what was the conversation with DC like about bringing in the Justice League on the show?
“Um, you know, I didn’t have a conversation. I just wrote it and gave them the scripts. I don’t think they really realized what they had agreed to until they saw what I had shot, which was the Justice League there. And then I think the full weight of it and, you know, what does this mean for the DCU and all of that became huge pieces of conversation up to the very highest levels of Warners. And to their credit, they let me get away with it.”
When did Jason Momoa and Ezra Miller come in and shoot their cameos?
“I think before we ever shot the show, we talked to Jason about it. We were like, “Listen, [Peacemaker] says you fuck fish all the time.” And we were a little afraid he would be upset, but he just laughed. He was cool. So he was pretty much on board from the beginning. And then Ezra I just found out through some common friends liked my movies a lot. And so I asked if he would come in and shoot this scene, and he kindly agreed to do that. Actually, Marvel shot [Ezra] for us, while we’re shooting “Guardians Vol. 3.””
Oh wow!
“Yeah, but I mean, Marvel owed DC, because the “Peacemaker” crew shot my screen test for Chukwudi for “Guardians Vol. 3.” And then we got Ezra with the “Guardians Vol. 3” crew.”
Was there any conversation about including Gal Gadot or Henry Cavill?
“I don’t really think so. I really thought it was going to be just Jason. And Ezra was more like the extra thing because I found that he was interested in doing it.”
2022-2-18 09:40:04
2022-2-18 09:54:10
又話無conversation 又話let me get away with it
但又有reasons uncertain whether I can say 所以無Batman同Cyborg
Gunn一係自我審查 一係收到WB order 明明以flash套衫嘅時間線 DCEU未reboot 出Batman Cyborg都好合理