LIHKG [DC 綜合#15] 唉唔識講
熱血小毒男 2022-1-24 09:43:02


李光洙(永遠成員) 2022-1-24 10:29:10
熱血小毒男 2022-1-26 11:08:16


如果真係跟到呢單新聞發展,用batman background穿插,成件事應該好吸引
阿阿阿阿閃 2022-1-26 11:39:35 同Joker一樣 用DC漫畫角色講其他故事
澤囝救樂壇 2022-1-26 11:43:35 謎語人喺漫畫好似唔係連環殺手黎
Dick_Grayson 2022-1-26 12:58:12 咁都係dc既出品黎嘅

見有人成日話the dark knight trilogy 唔當係dc 我真係r撚晒頭
阿阿阿阿閃 2022-1-27 12:14:53 有消息指本身”the flash”嘅試映會變左”Shazam 2”
阿阿阿阿閃 2022-1-27 19:24:05 During an interview with Esquire, Reeves revealed that the studio sent him over the script Affleck has co-written with Geoff Johns, and while he did think it was "a totally valid take on the movie," it simply wasn't the more personal Batman story the War For the Planet of The Apes filmmaker was interested in telling.

"It was very action driven. It was very deeply connected to the DCEU, with other major characters from other movies and other comics popping up. I just knew that when I read it this particular script was not the way I’d want to do it,” Reeves explained.

We know Affleck's film would have pitted The Dark Knight against Deathstroke, but it sounds like it would also have featured some other members of the Justice League. Reeves went to WB and told them he wasn't the man for the job, laying out the direction he'd rather take the character in.
EXTINCTIONBB 2022-1-27 20:37:32 其實DC有冇咩科學擔當

邦拿 2022-1-27 21:09:52 Batman
野原雞之助 2022-1-27 21:34:33 此回覆已被刪除


邦拿 2022-1-28 01:24:08

各位巴打有冇邊隻6吋Zatanna 推介?
想砌番隊JL Dark
阿阿阿阿閃 2022-1-28 10:26:57 在與《Deadline》的最新訪談當中,岡恩則進一步透露了未來他預計推出的 DC 作品同樣會和《自殺突擊隊:集結》息息相關:「我們現在正在製作其它作品,另一部與《自殺突擊隊:集結》宇宙相連的影集,但我還不能透露太多。」

上水趙子龍 2022-1-28 13:56:05 自殺突擊隊宇宙
休斯 2022-1-28 14:13:54 邊個估到佢喺HBOMAX「最劣勢平台」拍DC「劣勢IP」
SS「票房差」spin off主角用peacemaker「無人鍾意」播放量可以打低埋starwar spin Off 做到世界第一
阿阿阿阿閃 2022-1-28 14:47:11 每套作品都有佢獨立宇宙 it is DC multiverse
上水趙子龍 2022-1-28 15:40:28 打低左邊套star war spin off
上水趙子龍 2022-1-28 15:40:38 DCMU
Dick_Grayson 2022-1-28 17:36:28 真係好撚憎wb用multiverse 黎做藉口掩飾自己搞到dceu成pat屎咁
明日花昨日已_J 2022-1-28 17:54:38 BATMAN 彩蛋會唔會執隻海星仔黎養?
Dick_Grayson 2022-1-28 17:55:32 唔會啦 導演已經講得好清楚唔會同dceu有任何關係


月出驚山鳥 2022-1-29 00:39:59 Dceu臭成咁
布斯韋恩 2022-1-29 13:50:00 各位巴打,我見HBO GO有好多DC動畫

xxxxYou 2022-1-29 20:17:57 Zack Snyder's Justice Leauge 會唔會搞到fans screening?

雲煙冷愁 2022-1-29 23:22:24 Book 場播碟唔難