六常RalfRangnick 2022-6-16 19:31:44 為出grade集氣


時事台神學士 2022-6-16 19:38:34 Gpa God
六常RalfRangnick 2022-6-16 19:42:19 集氣

新木優子 2022-6-16 20:00:54
你個太空人科爾 2022-6-16 21:20:06
冇見過email 話出嘅? 今晚BA 都出龜?
Toyz(絕命毒師) 2022-6-16 21:24:21 Please be informed that the results for January 2022 term can be viewed through the Student Information System (SIS) under “View My Grades” starting from the grade release date on June 17, 2022 (Monday).

As you can view and download grades from the SIS, you will NOT be sent hard copies of the result slips. Students who failed any courses will receive a letter informing them of the arrangement where appropriate. Those students should contact us at 3917-5856 if they do not receive a letter by June 30, 2022 (Thursday).

你個太空人科爾 2022-6-16 21:27:03 原來有講 咁應該係17 號 00:00 上年都係00:00 出
Toyz(絕命毒師) 2022-6-16 21:30:56
Toyz(絕命毒師) 2022-6-16 21:31:31
你個太空人科爾 2022-6-16 21:33:20
GaussMarkov 2022-6-16 21:49:27


史巴克 2022-6-16 21:49:52 多謝你

Toyz(絕命毒師) 2022-6-16 21:50:46
張六常(分身卷) 2022-6-16 22:07:21 此回覆已被刪除
史巴克 2022-6-16 22:13:44
史巴克 2022-6-16 22:15:02
史巴克 2022-6-16 22:21:10 推唔推係個人喜好
恐慌性防疫 2022-6-17 00:06:42 sh*t
香港濕凍世界第一 2022-6-17 00:07:17 畢業了
大氣懸浮微粒 2022-6-17 00:15:10 1800 as always
天水圍Soon仔 2022-6-17 00:54:23 原來拜gpa god 真係有用


Go!Go!Zeppeli 2022-6-17 01:17:19 Fyp A住畢業
唔買港股 2022-6-17 01:19:32 咁就完左u life
待月西廂下 2022-6-17 02:20:24 想問如果成績夠嘅話,今年final yr仲會唔會收到Dean List?如果會,係咪都要等到10月、11月已經grad左先有?
上級騎士 2022-6-17 05:22:24 同問