英國政府拒絕修訂BNO簽證建議便利年輕港人 或需上議院施加壓力
Rodman 2021-12-8 08:33:02 合理既, 拆散黎做
但要再比多條路97前香港出世, 父母有BNO,但無幫子女申請個班


人不滅支支自滅 2021-12-8 08:44:17 野生捕獲Martin
潛行胸間 2021-12-8 08:44:53 支那豬真係要隔絕 一有機會佢地就會入侵
黑人溫泉 2021-12-8 08:49:07 英國《泰晤士報》(The Times)星期一曾引述英國政府消息說,他們會考慮建議,但不能接受現有的修訂內容,因為可能會令太多人可以來到英國。

睇到呢度 似乎97前出世但無BNO果啲都好抆水
鹿島條野 2021-12-8 08:49:23 應該係97前香港出世又在97年未夠16歲嗰班不論父母有冇BNO 都應該俾條路佢。
你就算97前出世,父母有BNO, 但如果當時你已經過咗16歲可以自己申請而冇去,人哋冇必要幫你。
屯門雪花肥牛 2021-12-8 08:49:56 此回覆已被刪除
Ballack 2021-12-8 08:50:45 整好個政治審查先啦屌
夏洛特公主 2021-12-8 08:51:08 此回覆已被刪除
踏J尋梅 2021-12-8 08:51:53 燒山都係讀新聞
同你開po 一鳩樣
2021-12-8 08:52:17 世澤通常會話背後有好多因素要考慮,然後叫人唔熟唔好講
夏洛特公主 2021-12-8 08:52:40 此回覆已被刪除


支那武肺 2021-12-8 08:53:55
Rodman 2021-12-8 08:58:29 但係90年代,得16-18歲,可以自己比到2舊水去申請BNO既,係有難度,當年我讀緊高中,一個月都係得100蚊零用
夏洛特公主 2021-12-8 08:58:48 此回覆已被刪除
夏洛特公主 2021-12-8 08:59:36 此回覆已被刪除
金濟夏k2 2021-12-8 09:00:00 後生去CAN啦
WinnieThePoor 2021-12-8 09:00:36 呢個post 真係笑死我,成班垃圾屌曬天咁
予一人 2021-12-8 09:01:01 BNO後代>三十步歲前/香港出世
正牌黃世澤 2021-12-8 09:03:18 睇晒Kevin Foster MP以下發言

We believe that those existing measures allow a lot of people to come, and we expect one or two of the new routes being created next year to also open up a pathway to this age group in Hong Kong, alongside others. However, my right hon. Friend asked me about two specific points. First, if the other side unilaterally enacted its provision, that would not automatically change the immigration rules here in the United Kingdom. That would be something we would have to do to close the route for applications by Hong Kong nationals. I must be clear that if unilateral action happened that further damaged the rights and abilities of people in Hong Kong, the Government would look closely at whether to maintain the scheme, to put something else in its place or to continue to allow it to go forward. I point out that we have a number of successful YMS schemes.

On the timeline for applications, whatever route we put in place—I would not want to disabuse my right hon. Friend—there would be a period of time between applying and getting a decision. In the context of our simplification process and the fact that we have moved to create, in some cases, wholly digital pathways for application to the BNO route by Hong Kong citizens, we are certainly happy to look again at whether some of those principles could be applied to the YMS in Hong Kong.

1. 其實下年有個新route解決問題
2. 佢暗示YMS Visa都可以玩到BNO Visa一樣

佢喺國會講得,即係Home Office 做緊嘢
阿仙尼雲加 2021-12-8 09:03:20 杜絕唔到單非
修理皮 2021-12-8 09:04:28 此回覆已被刪除


日日中伏 2021-12-8 09:06:22 如果可以嘅話,你不如直接出 post
鍘近平 2021-12-8 09:07:30 單非如果加入政治立場審查,我可以接受
夏雨天 2021-12-8 09:08:03 點解係傻L左?前可以set政治審查同set quota, 後可以set入藉條件,你可以當係Working Holiday 既 pathway to Citizen版本
而且討論既重點係應唔應該用BNO Visa去包,你用one of the early suggestion去disagree成個statement,稻草人勝利法?
狗龍IT九 2021-12-8 09:09:19 講真,如果係咁易過一開始就唔會有個申請deadline