黑警show委任證恐嚇鋪頭出貨 3
Tvyrvuevi 2021-12-8 06:57:21 呀Sir呢個好笑


新冠人民共和國 2021-12-8 06:57:36 此回覆已被刪除
沒照田雞沒飯吃 2021-12-8 07:01:32 係恐怖分子才對, 因為黑社會都會被人拉
但願心間光點結聚 2021-12-8 07:04:33 可以叫yoyoman收皮

'... [I]t is quite clear that the act which the [police officer] was doing immediately before the assault complained of was tantamount to putting forward a claim as of right .... The [officer] was in the act of producing his warrant card. ... [T]he finding in the case that the [officer] was in the act of producing his warrant card is fairly to be construed as meaning that he was asserting his right ... [and] at that moment the [officer] was [not] acting in the execution of his duty.'
- Davis v Lisle [1936] 2 KB 434 (DC) at 437-438 per Lord Hewart CJ
但願心間光點結聚 2021-12-8 07:06:10 毅進仔無讀law?

'... [I]t is quite clear that the act which the [police officer] was doing immediately before the assault complained of was tantamount to putting forward a claim as of right .... The [officer] was in the act of producing his warrant card. ... [T]he finding in the case that the [officer] was in the act of producing his warrant card is fairly to be construed as meaning that he was asserting his right ... [and] at that moment the [officer] was [not] acting in the execution of his duty.'
- Davis v Lisle [1936] 2 KB 434 (DC) at 437-438 per Lord Hewart CJ
DimReg 2021-12-8 07:13:28 新年會唔會拎盤桔去洗樓
漂移的坦克車 2021-12-8 07:16:53 追完, 乜你地覺得成班恰一個弱智仔好威咩?

漂移的坦克車 2021-12-8 07:17:28 啊蛇做野唔洗你教
邊個用左個名 2021-12-8 07:20:02 而家委任證無乜用
冇撚得做 2021-12-8 07:28:51 你不如去驗下個腦睇下自己講緊乜先啦
ゆいゆい 2021-12-8 07:29:11 唔好SIR前SIR後啦


京王線 2021-12-8 07:32:05 可能俾狗搶左acc
監視器香左 2021-12-8 07:32:28 個yoyoman 擺明低級黑警PR,不斷混淆視聽

英文台Jenny 2021-12-8 07:33:32 不嬲三萬隻狗仲大權過林鄭
無骨氣小隊隊員 2021-12-8 07:34:02 佢返緊工做野啫
Yoyoman 2021-12-8 07:41:50 咁有無話如果係show warrant card 嘅一部份係咪等同於展示完整卡的權力?
Narita_Brian 2021-12-8 07:43:57 佢哋唔搵呢啲嘢磨時間就要日日訓覺的了
XL 2021-12-8 07:44:33 PR 黎講佢算幾廢

籟粉皮 2021-12-8 07:46:33 黑警日常
Yoyoman 2021-12-8 07:46:37 姐係我借左你錢好耐 你一直話有收入就還 然後等左你好耐 終知有日你同我講你有收入 但要一星期後 我叫你盡快還 呢個係索取不合理利益?
禾稈冚禾稈 2021-12-8 07:47:54


XL 2021-12-8 07:48:03 成段文字當中Show pass 依個動作提都無提過
但願心間光點結聚 2021-12-8 07:48:53 Show 張卡全部同show部份有乜分別呢?
仲要show 委任證呢幾隻字啵
Yoyoman 2021-12-8 07:49:54 咁以後警察show 張卡邊比你睇 你睇下你得唔得
XL 2021-12-8 07:50:29 yo 蛇話 無名無性 可能係假卡又話者只係偷同袍張Card 姐
