$SENS post 34 - Sens or Scam?
Arianrhod 2021-12-2 18:47:27 phun dwac來料



Kapok 2021-12-2 18:53:28 暫時依隻股睇唔到有咩問題

Kapok 2021-12-2 18:53:44 $1.8可以嗎
UCB(MedSku) 2021-12-2 18:54:43 no
Kapok 2021-12-2 19:03:11 咁都唔係耐

豹2A7A1 2021-12-2 19:08:46 2.1-2.5 加埋最後
UCB(MedSku) 2021-12-2 19:11:21 唔係話潑冷水

FDA Action On a PMA
Within 180 days of the date of filing of the PMA (§814.40), FDA will complete its review of the PMA and of the advisory committee`s report and recommendation and issue one of the following:

an approval order under §814.44(d),
an approvable letter under §814.44(e),
a not approvable letter under §814.44(f), or
an order denying approval under §814.45.


哥瑪先生monge 2021-12-2 19:19:22 照咁講法,應該真係最遲今個月有決定
Kapok 2021-12-2 19:25:21 咁由因為疫情而推遲,依段嘢已經唔成立

Tim Goodnow

Yes, so as you know, a review such as this is a PMA supplement. It's not a primary review. PMA supplements typically would be a 180-day review. So we don't have a reason to believe that it should vary from that other than the dynamics of COVID and what it might take particular review or review team's time to clear off their desk from some of the prior work they were doing. So that's what we really don't know.
伯爵茶奶凍 2021-12-2 19:25:32 一句delay due to COVID搞掂
Kapok 2021-12-2 19:27:02 anyway,我信今個月至下個月會有決定

另外,除非真係有重大缺憾,如果唔係FDA review過程中一般係 0 消息,真係到announce result前一日隻股先會異動,no news is good news


伯爵茶奶凍 2021-12-2 19:28:02 琴晚跌10%算唔算異動
南風微醺 2021-12-2 19:28:45
Kapok 2021-12-2 19:29:08 Jayson Bedford

And just to be clear, the hundred -- the clock started in mid-April.

哥瑪先生monge 2021-12-2 19:29:25 個市閪到咁
Kapok 2021-12-2 19:30:29 你睇下其他股先

哥瑪先生monge 2021-12-2 19:30:39 其他撚嘢又會一早過咗
豹2A7A1 2021-12-2 19:30:47 但琴晚好多都跌得勁
Kapok 2021-12-2 19:33:32 其實依段值得咬文嚼字

- FDA - PMA. The 180-day product has already been distributed for review. The lead reviewer who reviews sections of the applications is now coming back and forth with questions. Based on the scope of the questions being asked, they expect that they are heading towards the end of the year for approval or closely thereafter (but no promises).

scope = 問題方向,即係話根據FDA問嘅問題,佢哋覺得年尾前搞得掂,
可能已經問緊啲marketing / support嘢 (個人鳩估)
Kapok 2021-12-2 19:34:36 at least唔會係問題accuracy / safety依啲咁fundamental嘅嘢
含鳩啦八婆 2021-12-2 19:37:24 早知玩6969 rlx仲好



含鳩啦八婆 2021-12-2 19:37:36
南風微醺 2021-12-2 19:37:50
哥瑪先生monge 2021-12-2 19:44:20 部機一直都係歐洲賣緊,基本上都唔會擔心過唔到,係唔知佢仲等緊乜
飛天韭(酒啊) 2021-12-2 19:56:00 此回覆已被刪除