$SENS post 34 - Sens or Scam?
哥瑪先生monge 2021-11-30 13:53:27




#5 Apple Watch問題一律建議買put

Gogogo不適用 呢隻係”全攻型“長持股,唔係連登仔嘅3日長持

check Reddit sens 熱度:https://www.topstonks.com/stocks/SENS


哥瑪先生monge 2021-11-30 13:58:49 Lm
伯爵茶奶凍 2021-11-30 14:50:52 開始每次睇到sens都會睇成scam
無人性 2021-11-30 15:19:50 34係好number
無人性 2021-11-30 15:20:00
大戶提款機 2021-11-30 18:57:04 究竟仲要留名幾多個post先會過fda
山中無山全倉SENS 2021-11-30 20:51:22 Lm
2021-11-30 20:56:59 LM
尖子 2021-11-30 22:43:45 其實有冇公佈過大約咩進度?
有夢不能追 2021-11-30 23:17:47 跌夠未呀 dllm
河北彩花世一 2021-11-30 23:50:20



坐艇呻吟王(破產) 2021-11-30 23:52:45 此回覆已被刪除
打機逃避現實 2021-11-30 23:53:05 原來開左新PO
綠生 2021-11-30 23:53:38 陰跌咗一排
爹親娘親不如我侵 2021-12-1 00:10:37 現價all in
無人性 2021-12-1 00:48:21 已穿
無人性 2021-12-1 00:59:47
你究竟明唔明? 2021-12-1 01:01:56
Arianrhod 2021-12-1 01:01:59 2.97
南風微醺 2021-12-1 01:02:53
河北彩花世一 2021-12-1 01:06:19 無底深淵


大戶提款機 2021-12-1 01:06:26 就黎跌到痴撚左線
肺明奴(復出) 2021-12-1 01:07:04 此回覆已被刪除
Arianrhod 2021-12-1 01:07:33 https://www.qualio.com/blog/fda-medical-device-approval-process

Class 3 Devices

Class 3 medical devices are the most innovative and invasive devices, which potentially present the highest risks to patient health and safety. This class constitutes approximately 10% of devices and includes devices like cochlear implants, defibrillators, and implanted prostheses.

The majority of Class 3 devices follow the PMA pathway. PMA is the agency’s process of scientific and regulatory review and the most stringent type of application possible. The PMA pathway involves presenting adequate scientific evidence to demonstrate safety and efficacy.

While preparing a PMA application is generally significantly more intensive than a 510(k) app or self-registration, it’s surprisingly not much longer of a wait post-submission. According to a report from the agency, the average PMA application is approved 243 days post-submission. That’s just over eight months, or 66 days longer than the average time to approval for a 510(k) application.

Class 3 medical devices are being approved faster than ever before. The agency has worked in recent years to improve the PMA pathway and reduce the wait time while maintaining a focus on patient safety. Prior to 2010, the average wait for a PMA approval was 345 days or nearly 12 months. That’s a speed-to-market increase of 111 days, on average, in the past nine years. Currently, 92% of PMA applications are approved by the agency.
哥瑪先生monge 2021-12-1 01:07:34 又做乜撚啊