LIHKG 在線解答養貓新手問題
ACM 2021-12-19 15:18:13 有無方法可以教下貓仔唔好跑出去,依家一開門就跑出去


米田共人 2021-12-19 15:20:58
UproTsla 2021-12-19 16:07:31 布偶貓 原本白雪雪,點解某個位D 毛 會越黎越黃
唔撚係阿馬 2021-12-19 18:33:57
珍寶赤海蝦 2021-12-19 18:53:49 唔係應該餐餐洗?
米田共人 2021-12-19 19:31:01 乾糧兜隔日食
黃秋生煎包 2021-12-19 19:57:35 住村屋 隔離開始起樓
啲聲嚇到佢彈起 呢排野都食少咗
唔撚係阿馬 2021-12-19 20:46:49 乾糧兜更加方便洗啦
Cam奶Cam奶杉杉 2021-12-19 22:14:54 主子最近次次去砂盤痾尿後都個pat pat濕咗,跟手跳上布梳化


次次知佢去完砂盤都立即拎紙巾印佢個pat, 怕佢入房上床
做人唔好咁仆街啦 2021-12-19 23:35:39 係咪用膠碗?
米田共人 2021-12-19 23:42:11 乾用不秀鋼碟


隔離營係我隔離 2021-12-20 00:10:42 想問下貓b本身食開rc, 想幫佢轉糧但佢唔肯食wellness core, 可以轉邊隻?
留下來的caf. 2021-12-20 06:40:56
立予畐寺 2021-12-20 07:52:28
小賴xd 2021-12-20 08:31:41 屋企隻豹貓1歲左右, 上個月帶佢絕育順便驗血.
獸醫話佢蛋白質高咗啲. 同我講唔使餵太多雞肉俾佢食, 家貓餵乾糧其實都好夠營養.
早: 蒸雞胸肉1條+半隻雞蛋
午: 乾糧
晚: 蒸雞胸肉1條/蝦/呑拿魚/牛肉粒/豬肉/雞既內臟+蔬菜類(蒸南瓜)
神秘小三角 2021-12-20 09:11:09

留下來的caf. 2021-12-20 09:19:19
木尾 2021-12-20 10:26:40 落多d貓砂 ?
CNTower 2021-12-20 11:30:27

All Ragdoll cats are born white
At the very beginning, all the Ragdoll kittens will be covered with white fur all over their bodies. Then, as they get older, some parts of their fur will get colored and the pattern will become visible. Why does this happen? The short answer is that it is all in their genes.

A Ragdoll Kitten Care Guide

Ragdolls display a genetic mutation that affects an enzyme in the metabolic pathway between tyrosine and the final pigment, which is sensitive to temperature. This mutation makes a ragdoll’ cat coloration dependent on its body temperature.

Side note: Ragdoll colour genetics are definitely interesting. If you would like to learn more about Ragdoll color genetics, The British Ragdoll Cat Club keeps a nice Ragdoll Cat Pattern/Colour Predictions table.

It allows you to put in the colors each breeding cat may carry. Another great thing about this site is it also does pattern. Since there are a few different genotypes of the bicolor pattern in the Ragdoll breed, it is important to know what you may get. In the USA, most breeders work with the High Mitted Bicolor pattern only. There are some that will work with True Bicolor or Mid High White, but they are a more difficult pattern to work with as they carry more white and a colorpoint mate is needed to control the white spotting gene. A Mitted to Mitted breeding will produce all 3 patterns of Mitted, Colorpoint, and “High Mitted” Bicolor.
CNTower 2021-12-20 11:31:43 its ok
CNTower 2021-12-20 11:32:45 乾糧 is more balanced


CNTower 2021-12-20 11:34:47 有蓋砂盤
try it without the 蓋.
羽衣甘藍 2021-12-20 11:41:24 下巴仔有黑色點點,每隔幾日要幫佢抹一次
在坐都係垃圾 2021-12-20 11:46:18 睇完獸醫又唔信
CNTower 2021-12-20 11:47:16,present%20as%20small%2C%20black%20specks.&text=Although%20the%20reasons%20for%20feline,Stress
Feline Acne vs Flea Dirt: What’s the Difference?
February 22, 2020Cats, Pets
Your kitty loves to have his chin rubbed, and one day—while he’s sidling up next to you—you notice small black spots on his face. As you give him a scratch, you realize that the small, round spots don’t come off right away. You start to wonder…

Does your cat have acne?

It’s not just teenagers who struggle with bad skin: cats can get acne, too. However, if you notice spots on your feline’s fur coat, there’s a chance that it’s not acne, but flea dirt.

Both feline acne and flea dirt can be easily treated. Knowing the difference between the two is the first step in diagnosing your cat’s skin problems and seeking appropriate treatment. This guide explains the difference.

Feline Acne vs Flea Dirt
Feline acne and flea dirt have one thing in common: they both present as small, black specks. However, they are symptoms of two very different conditions.

Although the reasons for feline acne can vary between cats, it’s a skin condition that affects many cats, often in response to:

Environmental allergens and irritants
Flea dirt, which is made up of small specs of blood that fleas have sucked out of your cat, on the other hand, has one explanation: your cat has fleas. Either they’ve been in (or still are in) your cat’s fur.

The first step in identifying which ailment your kitty is suffering from involves knowing where to look.

Most cats love a proper brushing—or if not, a good pet with a brush glove. Keeping your eyes on your cat’s coat can help alert you to any cat skin issues they may be experiencing. As you know, your feline friend is great at hiding pain and discomfort, so it’s worth the effort to look.

As you brush, keep a lookout for any black spots. Cat acne can present as:

Small black dots between the hair follicles
Spots on the chin (A chin that looks dirty)
Occasionally, larger white or red pustules that look like zits
While cat acne is often visible on the face, flea dirt has a different presentation. It appears as: