LIHKG 歐美主流樂壇集中討論區67
救世港豬 2021-11-22 20:07:01 Bruno Mars 正到


李東敏 2021-11-22 20:11:15 理性討論BTS今年會唔會有機會衝擊格萊美
救世港豬 2021-11-22 21:00:57 Adele's "30" extends its record as the female album with most #1's on Apple Music of ALL-TIME around the world. (137 #1's).

Albums with the most #1’s on Apple Music of ALL-TIME:

#1. Donda — 152 countries
#2. Certified Lover Boy — 142 countries
#3. #Adele30  — 137 countries *So far*
#4. Justice — 129 countries
李東敏 2021-11-22 21:02:55 .@rihanna becomes the female artist with the most videos with over 1 billion views each on YouTube (7).
李東敏 2021-11-22 21:05:01 Taylor Swift的Red TV預計將會有26首歌空降熱百, 打破Drake - Scorpion創下的紀錄(22首)
Billboard is Taylor’s playground
李東敏 2021-11-22 21:11:42 Mariah Carey的All I Want...有望於下周重回Hot 100
一個明澤各自插入 2021-11-22 21:36:03 GoldDerby Grammy nomination top 8

Album of the Year:

SOUR – Olivia Rodrigo

Happier Than Ever – Billie Eilish

Evermore – Taylor Swift


Good News – Megan Thee StallStallion

Back of My Mind – H.E.R.

Positions – Ariana Grande

Planet Her – Doja Cat

Record of the Year:

Driver’s license – Olivia Rodrigo

Leave The Door Open – Silk Sonic

MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name) – Lil Nas X

Kiss Me More – Doja Cat ft. SZA

Happier Than Ever – Billie Eilish

Levitating – Dua Lipa ft. Dababy

WAP– Cardi B feat. Megan Thee Stallion

Positions – Ariana Grande

Song of the Year:

Driver’s license – Olivia Rodrigo

Leave The Door Open – Silk Sonic

Willow – Taylor Swift

Happier Than Ever – Billie Eilish

Good Days – SZA

MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name) – Lil Nas X

Starting Over – Chris Stapleton

Kiss Me More – Doja Cat ft. SZA


銀優屙篤keh 2021-11-22 21:56:40 已經劇透咗有表演好似係
李東敏 2021-11-22 22:31:28 希望Kiss Me More, Happier Than Ever, evermore有份
李東敏 2021-11-22 22:31:47
愛含者 2021-11-22 22:45:14 仲要係一大堆舊歌


wejuststrangers 2021-11-22 22:45:41 七仙女鼻涕屎就唔好踩隻腳入歐美樂壇啦

勁撚煩 佢地係紅 但係講銷量 講streaming 佢地都唔係最top 次次一有voting嘅獎就全部bot咁 今次amas講真 幾位nominees嘅fans 加埋一齊投票都未必夠七仙女班軍隊鬥
李東敏 2021-11-22 23:05:04 Black of My Mind
李東敏 2021-11-22 23:05:46 唔記得Fearless又入咗幾多首
7r 2021-11-22 23:23:47 Taylor Swift - Christmas Tree Farm (Old Timey Version) (Amazon Original)

Only available on Amazon / Amazon Music to purchase / stream
李東敏 2021-11-22 23:24:47 Taylor又想有養老保險
星空小王子 2021-11-22 23:50:09 An Audience With Adele 氣氛真係好好
好多鏡頭都影到Emma Watson
李東敏 2021-11-22 23:50:21 .@taylorswift13 simultaneously charts nine albums on the Billboard 200 this week for the first time in her career. The first artist to do so in over 5 years.
星空小王子 2021-11-22 23:54:51


星空小王子 2021-11-23 00:00:07 In three days, @Adele’s “30” already broke the best selling album of the week in the United Kingdom held by Abba (204k) with over than 300,000 copies sold.

— Adele’s final numbers will become the biggest debut in the country since Ed Sheeran’s “Divide”.
一個明澤各自插入 2021-11-23 00:02:45


一個明澤各自插入 2021-11-23 00:04:52 WTF

一個明澤各自插入 2021-11-23 00:07:07 應該係好似上次咁有pop duo 提名之後食白果
星空小王子 2021-11-23 01:32:43 “An Audience With Adele” had 5.4 million viewers, helping ITV to score its biggest Sunday night of the year.

— It proportionally surpasses viewership of “One Night Only”, since UK television is paid and their population is 5x smaller than the US.

星空小王子 2021-11-23 01:46:43 Adele’s 30 has made a massive first impact on the Official Albums Chart - currently outperforming the rest of the Top 40 combined on its journey towards Number 1.

As it currently stands at the midweek mark, 30 has logged 167,000 chart sales. The superstar’s fourth studio album has its sights set on the biggest opening week of 2021 so far, currently held by ABBA’s Voyage with first-week chart sales of 204,000.