LIHKG 【移民荷蘭】有postgrad學歷可以去荷蘭搵工
離地本土派 2017-6-10 10:10:30 原來荷蘭吸緊高學歷人才,讀左master/phd嘅巴打可以考慮下,唔好留喺香港蹧蹋自己

個orientation visa同留學荷蘭嘅post study visa一樣,限期一年,一年之內如果你搵到工轉working visa就可以移民


Foreigners who are highly educated graduates can legally live in the Netherlands by applying for a Dutch residence permit for the purpose of taking one 'orientation year'.

If you've been awarded a Master's or PhD degree from abroad at one of the world's top universities within the last three years, you can apply for a residence permit to stay in the Netherlands for one year to look for work.

This visa is open to citizens of all nationalities!

Hong Kong:
1) The University of Hong Kong
2) The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology;
3) The Chinese University of Hong Kong;
4) City University of Hong Kong;
5) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University;

sorry 冇浸大,好似係


離地本土派 2017-6-10 10:16:59 只要過去三年之內,喺以上大學讀master/PhD,同以英語授課/IELTS過6 就合資格

In the past 3 years you have:
- completed a Master's or post-Master's programme or obtained a PhD at a designated international educational institution* abroad and you:

have achieved a minimum score of 6.0 for the International English Language Testing System; or

have completed a Master, post Master's or doctoral programme in the English or Dutch language.
離地本土派 2017-6-10 10:18:19 英國

1. University of Oxford
2. University of Cambridge
3. Imperial College London
4. University College London
5. London School of Economics and Political Science
6. University of Edinburgh
7. King's College London
8. University of Manchester
9. University of Bristol
10. University of Glasgow
11. University of Warwick
12. University of St. Andrews
13. University of Exeter
14. University of Sheffield
15. Queen Mary University of London
16. University of Southampton
17. University of Birmingham
18. Royal Holloway, University of London
19. Lancaster University
20. University of York
21. University of Leeds
22. University of Sussex
23. University of Nottingham
24. University of East Anglia
25. University of Liverpool
26. University of Reading
27. University of Leicester
28. University of Aberdeen
29. Cardiff University
30. University of Dundee
31. Newcastle University
32. St. George's University of London
33. Queen's University Belfast
34. Durham University
35. City, University of London
36. University of Surrey
37. University of Bath
38. Aston University
39. University of Essex
40. SOAS University of London
41. Birkbeck, University of London
42. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
43. Oxford Brookes University (only Faculty of Arts & Humanities and Faculty of Social Sciences and Management)
離地本土派 2017-6-10 10:19:07 Japan:
1) The University of Tokyo;
2) Kyoto University;
3) Tokyo Institute of Technology;
4) Osaka University;
5) Tohoku University;
6) Nagoya University;
7) Hokkaido University;
8) Kyushu University;

1) Seoul National University;
2) KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology;
3) Pohang University of Science and Technology;
4) Korea University;
5) Sungkunkwan University
6) Yongsei University;
7) Hanyang University;
1) National University of Singapore;
2) Nanyang Technological University;

1) National Taiwan University;
2) National Tsing Hua University;
3) National Chiao Tung University;

Hong Kong:
1) The University of Hong Kong
2) The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology;
3) The Chinese University of Hong Kong;
4) City University of Hong Kong;
5) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University;

1) Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
2) Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

1) Tsinghua University;
2) Peking University;
3) Fudan University;
4) Shanghai Jiaotong University;
5) University of Science and Technology of China;
6) Zhejiang University;
7) Nanjing University;
離地本土派 2017-6-10 10:20:32 USA
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
2. Stanford University;
3. Harvard University;
4. California Institute of Technology;
5. University of Chicago;
6. Princeton University;
7. Yale University;
8. Cornell University;
9. Johns Hopkins University;
10. University of Pennsylvania;
11. Columbia University;
12. University of Michigan;
13. Duke University;
14. Northwestern University;
15. UC Berkeley;
16. UC Los Angeles;
17. UC San Diego;
18. New York University;
19. Brown University;
20. University of Wisconsin-Madison;
21. Carnegie Mellon University;
22. University of Washington;
23. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign;
24. University of Texas at Austin;
25. Georgia Institute of Technology;
26. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill;
27. University of California, Davis;
28. The Ohio State University;
29. Boston University;
30. Rice University;
31. Purdue University;
32. Pennsylvania State University;
33. Washington University in St. Louis;
34. UC St. Barbara;
35. University of Maryland, College Park;
36. University of South California;
37. University of Minnesota;
38. University of Pittsburgh;
39. Emory University;
40. UC Irvine;
41. Dartmouth College;
42. Texas A&M University;
43. Michigan State University;
44. University of Colorado, Boulder;
45. University of Virginia;
46. University of Florida;
47. University of Rochester;
48. University of Illinois, Chicago;
離地本土派 2017-6-10 10:25:41 官方網站:

雖然同working holiday visa有啲似,但係呢個visa只係 for 高學歷人才
唔洗留學歐洲都可以去荷蘭搵工,順便移民做歐盟公民,今次fat fat囉
我來自木星 2017-6-10 10:38:26 但係荷蘭人唔太識英文 唔知點生活
離地本土派 2017-6-10 10:39:16 [/red]You can even bring your partner with you to the Netherlands.[/red] Your partner will also enjoy full access to the labor market during your Search Year. If you change your visa into a Highly Skilled Migrant visa, your partner will continue to have full access to the labor market.
肥包 2017-6-10 10:41:31
但係荷蘭人唔太識英文 唔知點生活

荷蘭人係歐洲各國(除北歐) 英文最好


乳多甜肛 2017-6-10 10:44:25
但係荷蘭人唔太識英文 唔知點生活

離地本土派 2017-6-10 10:44:29
但係荷蘭人唔太識英文 唔知點生活

離地本土派 2017-6-10 10:49:07
但係荷蘭人唔太識英文 唔知點生活

荷蘭人係歐洲各國(除北歐) 英文最好

如果你睇IELTS 成績,平均最好係德國,仲好過英國本土嘅成績
鍵盤騎士 2017-6-10 10:52:21 shitty都有但冇浸大
我來自木星 2017-6-10 10:54:50
但係荷蘭人唔太識英文 唔知點生活


End of story
陳家雄 2017-6-10 11:04:07



我來自木星 2017-6-10 11:05:12



阿蘇仔阿姆姆 2017-6-10 11:10:27




睇個勢 下年變真。cuhk
離地本土派 2017-6-10 11:10:38 呢個 orientation year visa scheme 係上年新開嘅,因為呢幾年荷蘭經濟增長緊,需要引入專業人才



利申: 本人已經移民英國,開post只係唔想見到有能力有才華嘅巴打困喺香港浪費生命(而且我都好中意荷蘭呢個國家)。荷蘭政府應該俾返宣傳費我


肥包 2017-6-10 11:18:08
但係荷蘭人唔太識英文 唔知點生活

荷蘭人係歐洲各國(除北歐) 英文最好

如果你睇IELTS 成績,平均最好係德國,仲好過英國本土嘅成績

你如果有去過你就明 呢D分同事實有出入

逸後 2017-6-10 11:24:05 巴打你個u list喺邊度搵出嚟

嬰國寶城 2017-6-10 11:25:49 HKU>UST>CU>CU2>POLY
離地本土派 2017-6-10 11:34:00
巴打你個u list喺邊度搵出嚟


個list copy佢


A designated international educational institutions is listed in the top 200 of one of the general ranking lists or in the top 200 of one of the available ranking lists by subject field - that correspond with your field of study or research field- of the:

Times Higher Education World University

RankingsQS World University

RankingsAcademic Ranking of World Universities.