Nadal 2021-12-1 15:23:28 https://twitter.com/RWMaloneMD/status/1465847460253900806



生化武器 2021-12-1 17:02:24

好搞唔搞搞搞震 2021-12-1 17:05:12 佢2022之後應該唔洗撈,好多共和黨選民唔鐘意佢
Klopp__lfc 2021-12-1 17:08:35 [突發]據報中國政府將禁止科技公司透過可變利益實體赴海外IPO
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

生化武器 2021-12-1 17:13:10 佢本身就喺搖擺地區,搵個MTG級別嘅同搵AOC一樣咁倒米

如果佢primary 贏唔到都好可惜,共和黨其他對手真係MTG級別,明明有youngkin 參考
香港民防 2021-12-1 17:15:16 此回覆已被刪除
好搞唔搞搞搞震 2021-12-1 17:29:11 佢個區唔算搖擺啦,再加埋2022 redistrict之後基本上會確保佢個district會變得更加紅。呢加佢比人話支持大麻合法化、同性戀仲要反侵,佢政治生涯一定玩完。始終美國同香港國情唔同,人地睇重內政多過外交。佢啲social政策太liberal註定冇運行

好搞唔搞搞搞震 2021-12-1 17:29:58

如果佢primary 贏唔到都好可惜,共和黨其他對手真係MTG級別,明明有youngkin 參考
佢個區唔算搖擺啦,再加埋2022 redistrict之後基本上會確保佢個district會變得更加紅。呢加佢比人話支持大麻合法化、同性戀仲要反侵,佢政治生涯一定玩完。始終美國同香港國情唔同,人地睇重內政多過外交。佢啲social政策太liberal註定冇運行

好搞唔搞搞搞震 2021-12-1 17:34:54

生化武器 2021-12-1 17:50:52 唔想太多有侵格冇侵政嘅人,依家好多時間浪費喺玩泥漿摔角,搞到內外政都少咗時間理

森巴騎師雷神 2021-12-1 18:05:34 最想睇切尼個女收皮


大國勃起濱州爛 2021-12-1 23:50:24 https://twitter.com/dcexaminer/status/1466071525686136836?s=20

菠蘿包88 2021-12-2 00:24:37 Breaking911
2 小時
BIONTECH FOUNDER: New COVID-19 variant could lead to more infections in vaccinated individuals - WSJ
菠蘿包88 2021-12-2 00:38:22 Breaking911
26 分鐘
HAPPENING NOW: Supreme Court hears oral arguments on landmark abortion case that could overturn Roe v. Wade
菠蘿包88 2021-12-2 01:29:11 https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1466096025018322947
香港民防 2021-12-2 03:42:27 此回覆已被刪除
香港民防 2021-12-2 03:43:39 此回覆已被刪除
菠蘿包88 2021-12-2 04:24:54 Breaking911
20 分鐘
JUST IN: Fully-vaccinated Lebron James tests positive for COVID-19, will miss several games - WSJ
菠蘿包88 2021-12-2 04:25:36 Breaking911
1 小時
BREAKING: First U.S. case of omicron COVID-19 variant found in California - AP
菠蘿包88 2021-12-2 04:45:14 https://twitter.com/Liambroady/status/1466126951551283209?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1466126951551283209%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fembed.lih.kg%2Fframe%3Fu%3Dhttps3A2F2Ftwitter.com2FLiambroady2Fstatus2F1466126951551283209h%3Dabe9823b
菠蘿包88 2021-12-2 05:27:05 https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1466151158561619975


菠蘿包88 2021-12-2 05:32:04 https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1466146337460822019
菠蘿包88 2021-12-2 05:33:12 https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1466143229993177091
菠蘿包88 2021-12-2 05:53:14 Biden Shuffles Away as Reporter Confronts Him on His Promise to “Shut Down the Virus” (VIDEO)
December 1, 2021, 2:40pmby Cristina Laila
菠蘿包88 2021-12-2 06:27:04 CORONAVIRUS Published November 23
US COVID-19 deaths in 2021 surpass 2020's toll
More than 5M people worldwide have died from COVID-19

By Julia Musto | Fox News
COVID-19 deaths in 2021 surpassed the total from 2020 this week, with U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data showing cases rising around the country ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday.

There have been 771,576 deaths due to the virus since the pandemic started, though that number is currently trending downward. Since Jan. 1 of this year, 386,233 people have died due to the virus, compared with last year's toll of 385,343.