加拿大移民討論區 (10) 加拿大港人IG大混戰
柱現(18碎) 2022-2-7 17:21:04 我可以申請但係仲未搞 (仲喺香港) 我洗唔洗要揸住owp先去apply工 or 我confirm咗有owp先apply得?


柱現(18碎) 2022-2-7 17:31:06 語癌咗

我意思係我洗唔洗要揸住owp先去apply工 or 我apply工嗰陣話我遲啲會apply owp然後等我有offer先搞owp得唔得
我唔識撚貓 2022-2-7 17:37:46 梗係揸住owp先apply
你遲d會有即係冇人知幾時 間公司唔會理你
好頭痛 2022-2-7 18:52:47 apply OWP 先啦 批咗先算
加拿大 IRCC有成1百萬Backlog
你而家先 apply, 等3,4個月唔出奇
帝力林德曼 2022-2-7 23:12:54 the legal question is to ask whether you are authorized to work in Canada

so if you ask for an employer to sponsor and make you stay, you know they don't want to/too costly
咆哮者 2022-2-7 23:15:47 求職信, Resume係咪都註明有OWP比較好?
就咁比份全香港經驗既Resume, 怕僱主以為要搞working visa
🤖BOT🤖 2022-2-8 00:54:26
🤖BOT🤖 2022-2-8 00:57:32
許軼隻狗 2022-2-8 13:27:23 其實未有sin又未入境嘅人係點喺香港就搵到工
第一次 2022-2-8 14:15:03 無owp 又未land
牛奶味香蕉 2022-2-8 19:55:40


柱現(18碎) 2022-2-8 20:47:17
PedroLeon 2022-2-8 21:06:05 你咪照send cv 冇人阻你
T-ara世界第一 2022-2-8 23:47:21
帝力林德曼 2022-2-8 23:59:48 正是。
芋圓圓紫米露 2022-2-9 00:07:09 有呀
牛奶味香蕉 2022-2-9 00:10:42 可摸以交換tg圍下爐
芋圓圓紫米露 2022-2-9 00:11:59
牛奶味香蕉 2022-2-9 00:15:57
xsz 2022-2-9 02:06:20 hi問下owp野先 如果我喺imm1295填左我讀書到依家返左三份工嘅info啦,交資料係咪都唔洗交Employment reference letter, letter from current employer, employment records 同 employment contract? 唔該晒
我唔識撚貓 2022-2-9 07:32:08 ircc個網有答過你呢條問題


金牌劍神一九三 2022-2-9 09:21:20 Upload a sheet of paper with the words “Not applicable” if you’re asked for the following documents:

employment reference letter
letter from current employer
employment records
employment contract
Create an account or sign in


CarolineChanning 2022-2-9 09:50:47 請問考ielts洗唔洗針卡?
關老二大意失賓周 2022-2-9 10:02:10 Dunligo 網上考得 一樣有學校認
我唔識撚貓 2022-2-9 10:28:39 人地未必係考黎報學校呢