加拿大移民討論區 (10) 加拿大港人IG大混戰
我係阿希 2022-1-5 13:35:53


港島東特朗普 2022-1-5 14:09:52 有錢
帝力林德曼 2022-1-5 22:53:06 其實安省禁堂食比某港更盡
戚近榮(雞翼) 2022-1-5 23:00:46 想知安省係咪唔打針就生存唔到?
陳家雄 2022-1-5 23:11:32
帝力林德曼 2022-1-5 23:29:58 1. 我有聽過exemption,但係由於以前都有人濫用過,有啲醫生直頭被禁止出exemption。攞到嘅機會極低。
2. 唔會生存唔到,因為超市/所有賣食嘅從來唔禁冇打針嘅人入內。
冇嗰張(vaccine) pdf會入唔到food court 戲院 gym 博物館等等場所。
我係阿希 2022-1-6 01:52:46
感情如同等搭黨鐵 2022-1-6 07:06:13 無打針只係無室內堂食 無得去gym room 無得入戲院等 但超市買餸就無restriction
同埋搵工會難小小 好多工都要打左針 但加油 我都搵左一排先搵到份唔洗打針既
戚近榮(雞翼) 2022-1-6 07:33:59 絲打你係咪去Toronto而家入境洗唔洗打針?喺tg見到有啲人話要打晒兩針先可以入境
戚近榮(雞翼) 2022-1-6 07:35:51 唔該晒

之前睇到好似話交通工具都要張pdf 係咪真?
我唔識撚貓 2022-1-6 07:58:09 交通工具唔洗


屌你條撚 2022-1-6 08:21:19 1月15日之後,基本上都要打針先可入境,除非你係公民/pr
The Government of Canada is also announcing that as of January 15, 2022, certain groups of travellers, who are currently exempt from entry requirements, will only be allowed to enter the country if they are fully vaccinated with one of the vaccines approved for entry into Canada. These groups include:

individuals travelling to reunite with family (unvaccinated children under 18 years of age will retain exemption if travelling to reunite with an immediate or extended family member who is a Canadian, permanent resident, or person registered under the Indian Act);
international students who are 18 years old and older;
professional and amateur athletes;
individuals with a valid work permit, including temporary foreign workers (outside of those in agriculture and food processing); and
essential service providers, including truck drivers.
帝力林德曼 2022-1-6 08:36:48 唔駛
-博物館、food court、餐廳、(我讀嘅以至其他)大專校、飛機、火車:要
長澤正美 2022-1-6 10:11:49
帝力林德曼 2022-1-6 11:45:19
10028269 2022-1-6 12:05:36
冇錢阿 2022-1-6 12:44:07
夏冬 2022-1-6 14:46:21 老實講咁樣既防疫政策先合理

長澤正美 2022-1-6 14:51:21
長澤正美 2022-1-6 14:52:07
金牌劍神一九三 2022-1-6 15:30:24 Permit黎講係可行
先拎SP 後拎OWP


金牌劍神一九三 2022-1-6 15:32:17 但調返轉好似冇咩聽過
冇錢阿 2022-1-6 16:11:03
我們都一樣 2022-1-6 16:16:44 此回覆已被刪除
帝力林德曼 2022-1-7 01:53:49 你可以咁講,但其實2020年夏天至21年夏天,多市其實禁咗堂食足足成年,好似話全球第一長

香港係禁咗一日,跟住back down咗只係禁晚市