[健健康康打好波] New Orleans Pelicans 討論區 # 12
廢b(Choker) 2021-12-2 12:04:53 準撚到痴咗線


無量空処 2021-12-2 13:18:55 Zion返嚟
Pg同sg 有3有d其實就夠
長命鎖 2021-12-2 13:38:55 吓, 咁你不如留波,同揾個擅長打PNR undersize 既Graham 返黎做咩?
廢b(Choker) 2021-12-2 13:47:19 屌你
無量空処 2021-12-2 15:51:09
廢b(Choker) 2021-12-2 17:20:10 Naw 個step back 好撚奇怪
是無話不說 2021-12-2 21:20:39 唔step back 都射唔撚掂好心就乖乖地練下catch n shoot 先啦
廢b(Choker) 2021-12-3 16:16:38 Zion Williamson has had a setback in his return to play. While he was scheduled to practice with the New Orleans Pelicans on Thursday, foot soreness prevented him from doing so, as first reported by ESPN's Andrew Lopez and The Athletic's Will Guillory.

Williamson had been playing 4-on-4, per ESPN, but, since his foot is sore, the Pelicans will dial back his workload in the short term. He will not be taking any contact in his workouts during their two-game Texas trip this week, per The Athletic, but the team reportedly doesn't see this as more than a slight delay.

occe 2021-12-4 09:20:01 https://youtu.be/dPxiLf4JGM4
廢b(Choker) 2021-12-4 09:45:22 冇人識入波
廢b(Choker) 2021-12-4 09:48:40 GT good hustle


廢b(Choker) 2021-12-4 10:00:44 B

廢b(Choker) 2021-12-4 10:03:49 屌你老母
冇人 幫b set off ball screen
是無話不說 2021-12-4 10:05:44 幾個possession 波皮都掂唔到
毒約英格拉姆 2021-12-4 10:06:39 Willy係咪冇腦
明知boban 喺底 都1 on 1 佢
Set screen 拉佢出嚟好過啦
Smurfs 2021-12-4 10:07:44 Naw去g league喇屌
毒約英格拉姆 2021-12-4 10:08:29 Naw
Smurfs 2021-12-4 10:11:00 乜都做唔好

條撚樣炒open look應該全隊最高 重要好多時士氣波比佢敗哂
是無話不說 2021-12-4 10:11:29 Naw 養左咁耐都仲打到咁撚樣

一生六九 2021-12-4 10:11:40 B啲態好似又好番啲

Smurfs 2021-12-4 10:12:38 咁都博唔到foul


廢b(Choker) 2021-12-4 10:14:29 見ad 都靜撚左
廢b(Choker) 2021-12-4 10:14:54 易玩到
廢b(Choker) 2021-12-4 10:19:41 Mxxxxx III
長命鎖 2021-12-4 10:21:16 good d 跟住deep 3