Sony/罪大滔天 相機集中討論區(76)牙膏廠最新傑作--A7IV登場
車志健(無手機) 2021-10-22 12:28:41 部A7iii個Mon裂左但又過左保,有無人知上Sony整收幾錢?


錦見薰 2021-10-22 12:30:12 收到sony email話買a74 tradein a73 有$10200
車志健(無手機) 2021-10-22 12:32:25 本身個Mon裂左應該整左先Trade-in定直屌由佢壓價就算
小次郎 2021-10-22 12:49:52 sor 以為佢話a74拍4k60p
友人s 2021-10-22 12:51:49 等到差唔多出a7v話唔定就會出a7cii
眾裏尋她 2021-10-22 12:52:33 佢最好遲出d 咁我就唔會再中sony hk伏
暴大食屎系 2021-10-22 12:58:48 等等先,影夜景同24mp有咩關係
福賤幫 2021-10-22 13:02:09 竟然冇人講a74 連拍個問題?
丁說 2021-10-22 13:03:18 真吖,uncompreseed 得嗰6格仲少過a7r3
福賤幫 2021-10-22 13:04:23 影jpg過800張有咩用
暴大食屎系 2021-10-22 13:07:24 講咗啦


丁說 2021-10-22 13:07:50 a7r3 uncompress 唔係每秒8格咩
大迫勇也 2021-10-22 13:09:59 星際都收唔到1萬 Sony收咁高
reganlam 2021-10-22 13:10:33 可以入官網度問價
椒鹽豬扒 2021-10-22 13:16:20 邊個唔知crop factor
問題係apsc 同ff 鏡差唔多價錢,重量又一樣
點解我唔上ff body ff 鏡
(369) 2021-10-22 13:22:04 仲有 lossless compressed raw 揀吓
(369) 2021-10-22 13:25:00 Kai同lok係咪抽tony水
SKT.Faker 2021-10-22 13:26:25
神無月恭平 2021-10-22 13:43:27 發達大計,逆平輸日本
神無月恭平 2021-10-22 13:43:54 唔識邊個tony
車志健(無手機) 2021-10-22 13:57:35 Tony & Chelsea Northrup


大門.未知子 2021-10-22 14:05:22
reganlam 2021-10-22 14:16:09 DPREVIEW:Despite the higher resolution, the a7 IV can still shoot at 10 frames per second. However, it can only do so in the lossy compressed format if you want to shoot Raw. The a7 IV has a lossless compression option, for when you need maximum processing flexibility, but the burst rate drops to around 6 fps if you use it. Sony says the camera's buffer depth allows over 800 Raw+JPEG images (or over 1000 JPEGs), but this is in the uncompressed Raw format, which again shoots at around 6 fps.

reganlam 2021-10-22 14:21:31 DPREVIEW:Our first look at the rolling shutter rates suggest this isn't an especially fast sensor. 14-bit readout of the whole sensor for stills takes around 1/15 sec (~66ms), which is around seventeen times longer than the super-fast a1 takes to read out its sensor. This means silent shutter mode is likely to result in significant distortion with moving subjects.Full-width 4K video takes around 26.5ms, which is comparable with the other models in its class. It's likely the camera is dropping to 12-bit readout for video mode, but the process of combining pixels should reduce noise and hence prevent DR dropping to ~12EV. 60p footage has rolling shutter rate of around 12.8ms, which is low enough to avoid distortion of all but the fastest movement.

Sensor讀出14bit 66ms,12bit 26.5ms(估計)。m3 imx410的Sensor 14bit讀出速度是52ms,12bit 24ms,也就是a7m4的使用電子快門果凍效應比m3的還要大一些。

MON: 由3寸92萬點(640*480)變成102萬點(720*480),266ppi升至288ppi

個人認為,4k 60要CROP,連拍性能提升不到,都是這塊sensor的問題
SKT.Faker 2021-10-22 14:32:03