私人公廁 2021-10-16 01:52:19



肥婆偷肉食 2021-10-16 01:59:41 唔似係 剃左佢睇下
私人公廁 2021-10-16 02:12:05 呢排見佢成日R 啱啱見到好似有撻野咁
富樫勇太 2021-10-16 02:16:26 生癬會甩毛
私人公廁 2021-10-16 02:31:45 佢咁樣唔係已經甩左一撻仔毛啦咩
富樫勇太 2021-10-16 02:37:57 我o個隻甩毛甩好快,一個星期唔夠甩到咁上下,最後睇左$300醫生拎左枝藥膏搽
私人公廁 2021-10-16 02:53:39 我唔肯定 諗住睇下會唔會係貓癬之後買定枝藥膏

CNTower 2021-10-16 04:29:56 https://www.hillspet.com/cat-care/healthcare/lumps-on-cats

How a Lump on a Cat Forms
Bumps on cat skin fall into four categories — traumatic, parasitic, inflammatory and cancerous:

Traumatic lumps: These can form if your cat gets a puncture wound.
Parasitic lumps: Parasites, like burrowed fleas and ticks, can also create bumps on cat skin.
Inflammatory lumps: Inflammation or allergic reactions can lead to welts, ulcers and abscesses.
Cancerous lumps: These lumps occur when a cat's cells lose their ability to regulate themselves.
Common Lumps and Bumps on Cat Skin
Within the above four categories, here are some of the most common kinds of growths you might see on your cat:

Abscesses: If your cat has an abscess, you'll notice a fluid-filled bump also containing swollen tissue. This is caused by infection as a result of a skin puncture. These types of bumps may be found on a cat's arm or leg if they've been bitten or scratched.
Cysts: A cyst is a raised bump caused by a blocked hair follicle, skin pore or a bacterial skin infection.
Anal gland abscesses: If your cat's anal glands get blocked, they can become infected and abscessed.
Eosinophilic granulomas: These bright red or pink, bumpy areas of inflammation are common in cats. Some will occasionally affect the mouth in a characteristic pattern called a "rodent ulcer."
Cancers: Cancers of the skin are not as common in cats as they are in dogs, but if the cause for a lump on your cat is unknown, it should always be removed and submitted for testing.
If a cat develops a lump as a result of a certain tumor, the lump may appear anywhere on a cat's body. For example, if your cat has a mast cell tumor, you may notice lumps on your cat's neck or head. But if your cat has breast cancer, lumps may appear on their underside.

Orange cat lying on floor.

How Vets Diagnose a Lump on a Cat
In many cases, your cat's vet will be able to diagnose your kitty's lumps and bumps by doing a complete physical examination. In some cases, though, they might need to collect a tissue sample to determine the reason for the growth. Some tests your vet might offer include:

A skin scrape or impression smear: These tests involve taking a sample from the surface of your cat's lump and using a microscope to help identify its origin.
A fine needle aspirate: This test requires inserting a needle into the skin lump to extract cells for evaluation.
A biopsy: A biopsy is a small surgery to obtain tissue samples. A board-certified pathologist should always review these samples.
Treatment for a Lump on a Cat
A vet will often be able to confirm the diagnosis of a lump or bump on your cat based on how it responds to treatment, and treatment depends entirely on the cause: If the lump was caused by trauma, then your vet will provide direct wound care and will likely prescribe antibiotics. Lumps caused by parasites should be treated with topical or systemic parasiticides. If an inflammatory or allergic condition caused the bump, topical or systemic anti-inflammatory medicine should do the trick. And if your cat has a cancerous lump, treatment will depend on its evaluation by a pathologist; your vet may recommend surgery, chemotherapy, radiation or simply leaving it alone.

Nutrition can also play a role in treatment. If a food allergy is the cause of a lump, and in the case of certain skin cancers, making a change to your cat's meal plan could help — just be sure to discuss with your cat's vet first.

It can be unsettling to feel a lump or bump while stroking your kitty. But the best thing you can do for your cat's health is to stay calm and consult your vet.
西施極熊 2021-10-16 10:39:25 揸完有冇用
幾時先搞得掂 2021-10-16 11:33:50 我隻貓早排同你生一樣既野 有機會係 但我個隻唔係 最後搵到對雞肉敏感 轉糧就冇事 比你參考下
私人公廁 2021-10-16 12:56:19 今朝甩咗塊焦出嚟


私人公廁 2021-10-16 12:57:07
我隻貓早排同你生一樣既野 有機會係 但我個隻唔係 最後搵到對雞肉敏感 轉糧就冇事 比你參考下

同埋摸左兩摸個撻野 摸落有啲似損左結焦咁
幾時先搞得掂 2021-10-16 15:50:41 睇醫生啦
幾百冇得慳 我覺得似癬
炸醬撈麵 2021-10-16 15:52:28 此回覆已被刪除
金虎斑黑玳瑁 2021-10-16 15:58:05 真心為貓好就睇醫生啦好嘛

Zichrinii 2021-10-16 16:01:10 此回覆已被刪除
富樫勇太 2021-10-16 16:24:38 揸咗一個星期左右就好返
富樫勇太 2021-10-16 16:25:37 幽默感真係無得勉強
私人公廁 2021-10-16 19:26:22 睇左醫生了 咩事都冇 純粹R損左
時間的錯 2021-10-16 19:29:05 無事就好 求多貓圖
西施極熊 2021-10-17 03:13:20 有冇食埋抗敏感藥


原來有你 2021-10-17 10:53:42 免疫力低
富樫勇太 2021-10-17 16:12:39 無,敏感還敏感
矢吹奈廁紙 2021-10-17 16:15:08 係啦
錢可以解決女人 2021-10-17 16:24:00 養過另外一隻啦