中央军委主席 2021-10-13 17:06:01 UK:
BNO path: No
Tier 2 path: Difficult. Unless you graduate there with a in-demand skills/professions will the chance be better. Otherwise your employer must prove such jobs cannot be undertaken by the local before sponsoring your work permit. Change of employer within 5 yr is cumbersome.

No Hong Kong path, though they give 5 year free visa extension to local graduate, students, and short-term employee, until 2030 October.
Point based system still applies to you. You must be in the occupation shortage list when applying for pr. It may be the case that your profession based on which you collect your points is no longer in that shortage list in the year you apply. It happens a lot. If this happens to you when you are about to exhaust your visa, you have no choice to leave without the PR, wasting away your time and effort.


中央军委主席 2021-10-13 17:10:51 Canada:
Stream B: Least costly. Try to get your degree (have your degree conferred) on or before feb/ 2023. Then OWP. Then job of any skill level, accumulatively 12 months. Then PR. +2 yr for citizenship.
Stream A: Study in canada. Study Permit application can be cumbersome. You must graduate before aug/2026. But once you graduate before aug/2026, PR will be at your fingertips. Then PR. +2 yr for citizenship.
traditional path: EE: use your work experience to calculate a mark. If you are 29 or below, you have a lot age points. Count your points.
中央军委主席 2021-10-13 17:13:38 我最憎恨商科人 talk talk talk 收分低 輕鬆爆四 你們最好圈夠錢 投資移民 不要走技術/特別路線 因你們最虛榮!
Justasking 2021-10-13 17:16:06 此回覆已被刪除
周杰亂倫 2021-10-13 17:23:30 但Stream AB差唔多等同送pr 比你
行ee 都唔難嘅
DualChannel 2021-10-13 17:30:36 owp無佢份
一係依家睇下有咩一年top up degree
要係2023 2月前grad
中央军委主席 2021-10-13 17:38:18 一年必須係master 除非五年內有bachelor
22年2月開學 搏23年1月唔推薦 太risky(學歷認受性 讀書過程有差池
帶飯返工的荷蘭豆 2021-10-13 17:55:20 I got my bachelor degree nearly 10years so I can use Stream B?
I can take 2 yrs master degree but I want some technical skill diplomas more than such master degree which seems for academic purpose only and not able to provide me any skills/knowledge to find a job.
冇咁嘅人喎 2021-10-13 17:58:30 澳洲就算專業人士,如果去到偏遠地方都好難揾番本行,好幾個師兄都瀨曬嘢
中央军委主席 2021-10-13 17:58:50 10 years->No OWP/stream B
2 yr master outside canada won't allow you enough time to apply for OWP (sunset 7 feb 2023)
2 yr master in canada will do though, as long as you graduate before aug/2026. (Risk: 1. It may sunset early; 2. SP application can be cumbersome. you need to make up stories to convince officer that you dont have dual intent ) SP: immigration term, study permit
帶飯返工的荷蘭豆 2021-10-13 18:03:16 我有大學學位傢,即係要master定咩? 唔係好明點解讀topup degree? 定係你哋指讀一個engineering/machanic/IT/Computer engineering 嘅topup degree?

我睇睇OWP 我合唔合資格先,thank you


DualChannel 2021-10-13 18:04:41 你唔係5年內grad無你份
帶飯返工的荷蘭豆 2021-10-13 18:05:17 Well understand, thank you so much 😊
帶飯返工的荷蘭豆 2021-10-13 18:05:35 明白~
腳巴 2021-10-13 18:05:44 我想講加拿大條path要申請人有bno or 特區護照
大陸出世可能有香港身份證 但未必有香港passport
帶飯返工的荷蘭豆 2021-10-13 18:07:15 我知呀,我識人做醫生,去到澳洲只可以做麻醉師
屯門王子鄧英敏 2021-10-13 18:07:31 大陸仔連特區護照咁垃圾都無,就自己諗辦法啦
帶飯返工的荷蘭豆 2021-10-13 18:08:56 我有香港pasport 呀,我已經係永久居民好耐
冇咁嘅人喎 2021-10-13 18:09:15 都好丫,我識嗰個做送貨

我只信TSM 2021-10-13 18:19:23 同埋張cert都出唔切啦..完全唔值得博
公廁去晒邊 2021-10-13 18:31:18 偏遠地區根本跟唔上發展配套 而且近幾年大城市人口流動去Perth GC Tas SA 要搵一份全職好難 更加唔好講專業既工


習慣咗就冇事(窮) 2021-10-13 18:45:28 兩年先10萬
加拿大 一年學費都12萬啦
帶飯返工的荷蘭豆 2021-10-13 19:19:27 2 年後係可以拎返儲蓄保險嘅10萬,再加埋而家開始儲嘅錢。
漆少陣好嗎 2021-10-13 20:54:16 其實你冇得揀,淨係可以加拿大


卍乂金牌劍神乂卍 2021-10-13 21:08:08 得加拿大可揀