港女洋腸夢 2021-10-8 12:06:09 真係好神奇


CNTower 2021-10-8 12:06:24 true
港女洋腸夢 2021-10-8 12:06:43 買定冇壞嘅
腰已斷 2021-10-8 12:07:23 樓主好勁
本是黃德斌 2021-10-8 12:07:49 此回覆已被刪除
將軍澳百變怪 2021-10-8 12:08:13 好人一生平安
CNTower 2021-10-8 12:08:27 The mom cat will lick and eat the kitten's 屎.
上高登勿諗真 2021-10-8 12:08:41 留名睇相
Gameboy仔 2021-10-8 12:08:45 I am not sure if Cat mother will be able to take care of 7 in the same time! If she could not, some of them may be abandoned and probably be neglected. Should prepare to take care of those in need.
人生如遊戲 2021-10-8 12:09:33 需要我可以要一隻

春植肥貓仔 2021-10-8 12:09:50 想要1隻
一直都唔想買 等領養機會


CNTower 2021-10-8 12:09:55 It is a life time commitment.
one of my cat is 21 years old now.
Gameboy仔 2021-10-8 12:10:26 How come it can be so old?
液來吮受 2021-10-8 12:10:39 好 我遲啲新居入伙都想同家人養一隻
法蘭西士多 2021-10-8 12:11:09 可以幫手要1-2隻
甲丙米蘭 2021-10-8 12:11:19
李慧詩(笑) 2021-10-8 12:11:40 樓主一生平安
Gameboy仔 2021-10-8 12:11:49
我在獅子山滴鼻水 2021-10-8 12:12:15
CNTower 2021-10-8 12:12:16 8 to 10 weeks

Spaying During Weaning
You’ll be able to start weaning your fluffy pals around 4 weeks of age, the ASPCA says. During this period, you can separate the kitties from their mama for a few hours at a time. Feed them gruel, kitten food heavily soaked in water or kitten milk replacer, for four to six weeks -- between about ages 4 weeks and 10 weeks -- until they are no longer nursing. This weaning stage is the soonest you should spay Mitsy after she gives birth. She can still produce milk for her babies when they need it, but they’ll be content being away from her for periods of time as they learn to eat and take care of themselves.
靜啦屌你 2021-10-8 12:12:20 樓主同樓主嘅媽媽


湯武漢斯 2021-10-8 12:13:33 送子奴才
水刮隊長 2021-10-8 12:13:59 好人一世平安
Baba_Voss 2021-10-8 12:14:12 Hello! 我本身都養緊一隻貓(由BB養到大)

TG: fuk66721
CNTower 2021-10-8 12:14:44 Because the father and mom are both mixed breed.