NIKE 討論區 [25]
青山公路打樁機 2021-10-7 14:57:47 同80蚊 好似仲貴過平時咁


一份廚師沙律 2021-10-7 15:01:42 估唔到app中但walkin唔中
洪七公公 2021-10-7 15:02:37 Hi There,

I hope this email finds you well.

We are sorry to tell you that due to Covid-19 restrictions, we are unable to arrange in-store pick up for your order at this time.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

As a token of apology, we would like to offer you a free shipping code for your next purchase.

Your free shipping code:

Valid date: 10/7/2021 1:00 pm HKT - 5/6/2021 11:59 pm HKT

Once again we are deeply sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you for your support as always.
屌你都廢撚事 2021-10-7 15:04:27 Nike官網係會員買乜都免費送貨, 屌佢老母收我80蚊仲要2星期後收貨
押忍osh 2021-10-7 15:07:01 唔碌卡 中左都唔要
屌你都廢撚事 2021-10-7 15:09:22 Then you should fucking exempt my shipping fee this time la diu, no more next purchase ar, sorry your mum.
青山公路打樁機 2021-10-7 15:09:25 有講2星期咩
屌你都廢撚事 2021-10-7 15:10:01 上次對橙色...今次仲要大貨過上次
奧斯爾BB 2021-10-7 15:11:45 陳冠希係防疫撚
BB我愛你 2021-10-7 15:39:07 請問有冇人係收到email,但app冇轉?係咪照俾錢就搞掂?
我未夠吸引 2021-10-7 16:16:17 收工去專門店拎想知有咩特別禮物


哈妮波特 2021-10-7 16:18:45 會有咩特別禮物?
EASYMONEY 2021-10-7 16:20:46 屌佢老母仲係已登記中

人工賭 2021-10-7 16:21:50 上唔到官網
我未夠吸引 2021-10-7 16:25:39 專門店抽個陣講
如果中左有special gift
你唔好煩啦 2021-10-7 16:26:05 我想邊間都有定得上環個間有
耶穌愛黃絲 2021-10-7 16:27:13
我未夠吸引 2021-10-7 16:27:51 我係上環自取呀
M_Ozil 2021-10-7 16:31:10 自取先有?
毛貽昌 2021-10-7 16:31:15 點解D人一邊鬧一邊接貨助長炒狗嘅
你唔好煩啦 2021-10-7 16:37:04 上環都有2間自取


我未夠吸引 2021-10-7 16:39:08 我係太平山道個間
我未夠吸引 2021-10-7 16:39:32 唔知呢 等陣睇下咩黎再講
溫家寶藏 2021-10-7 16:41:27 此回覆已被刪除
耶穌愛黃絲 2021-10-7 16:42:47