2021-9-29 17:41:46
之前喺YoutTube睇過條片,可以追溯到去Alfred the Great
2021-9-29 17:46:19
2021-9-29 19:04:16
佢娶老婆Matilda 嘅過程都痴撚線
According to legend, when the Norman duke William the Bastard (later called the Conqueror) sent his representative to ask for Matilda's hand in marriage, she told the representative that she was far too high-born to consider marrying a bastard.[a] After hearing this response, William rode from Normandy to Bruges, found Matilda on her way to church, dragged her off her horse by her long braids, threw her down in the street in front of her flabbergasted attendants and rode off.[citation needed]
Another version of the story states that William rode to Matilda's father's house in Lille, threw her to the ground in her room (again, by her braids) and hit her (or violently battered her) before leaving. Naturally, Baldwin took offence at this; but, before they could draw swords, Matilda settled the matter[6] by refusing to marry anyone but William;[7] even a papal ban by Pope Leo IX at the Council of Reims on the grounds of consanguinity did not dissuade her. William and Matilda were married after a delay in c. 1051–2.[8] A papal dispensation was finally awarded in 1059 by Pope Nicholas II.[9] Lanfranc, at the time prior of Bec Abbey, negotiated the arrangement in Rome and it came only after William and Matilda agreed to found two churches as penance.[10]
2021-9-29 19:11:26
大仔Robert 又係痴線佬
In 1077, Robert instigated his first insurrection against his father as the result of a prank played by his younger brothers William Rufus and Henry, who had dumped a full chamber-pot over his head. Robert was enraged and, urged on by his companions, started a brawl with his brothers that was only interrupted by the intercession of their father. Feeling that his dignity was wounded, Robert was further angered when King William failed to punish his brothers. The next day Robert and his followers attempted to seize the castle of Rouen. The siege failed, but, when King William ordered their arrest, Robert and his companions took refuge with Hugh of Chateauneuf-en-Thymerais.[7] They were forced to flee again when King William attacked their base at Rémalard.[7]
2021-9-29 20:22:30
英法戰爭入面 兩個打到法國仆街既英國人都早死
亨利五世大家有興趣可以去Netflix睇The King
可以睇Timothee Chalamet 同 Robbin Pattinson