LIHKG 1066年9月28號:雜種威廉入侵英格蘭
雲加馬德里 2021-9-29 11:08:30 雜種威廉死個陣都好膠
Disorder followed William's death; everyone who had been at his deathbed left the body at Rouen and hurried off to attend to their own affairs. Eventually, the clergy of Rouen arranged to have the body sent to Caen, where William had desired to be buried in his foundation of the Abbaye-aux-Hommes. The funeral, attended by the bishops and abbots of Normandy as well as his son Henry, was disturbed by the assertion of a citizen of Caen who alleged that his family had been illegally despoiled of the land on which the church was built. After hurried consultations, the allegation was shown to be true, and the man was compensated. A further indignity occurred when the corpse was lowered into the tomb. The corpse was too large for the space, and when attendants forced the body into the tomb it burst, spreading a disgusting odour throughout the church.



.卑鄙的外鄉人. 2021-9-29 11:23:03 中国人
銀風 2021-9-29 12:15:04 其實英國先係真真正正既千年帝國

就算中間有朝代更替 套制度都冇點大變過
唔似支那咁 一朝天子一朝臣之餘 每次朝代更替都亡一次國

支那d so called 5000年真係極度無恥
肯尼吉 2021-9-29 12:20:25

凍檸茶.小甜 2021-9-29 12:24:02 金雀花 都鐸
南冰洋 2021-9-29 12:30:28 都鐸後有斯圖亞特,再由漢諾威取代
雲加馬德里 2021-9-29 12:34:55 依個蘇格蘭國王

雲加馬德里 2021-9-29 12:40:47 大憲章真係緊要,話佢英格蘭資本主義來源都可以
雲加馬德里 2021-9-29 12:51:57 玫瑰戰爭
牙東囝 2021-9-29 12:53:00 私生子?
大隻小毒撚 2021-9-29 12:57:36 唔係國王呀,William Wallace只係帶領蘇格蘭軍嘅貴族,即係aoe2教學關個主角


雲加馬德里 2021-9-29 13:01:26 係呀,不過我意思係,要去到伊麗莎白一世之後先有英蘇國王係同一個人
雲加馬德里 2021-9-29 13:01:36
大隻小毒撚 2021-9-29 13:03:16 I see,btw你啲posts好好睇,有追開
Sky_Croc 2021-9-29 13:09:14 XGU
雲加馬德里 2021-9-29 13:15:54 多謝你
雲加馬德里 2021-9-29 13:19:43


南冰洋 2021-9-29 13:31:13 但兩家都計金雀花?
雲加馬德里 2021-9-29 13:40:06 我覺得都係金雀花
五毛話唔要民主 2021-9-29 13:42:16 若依英國繼承法,非正宮所出就是雜種私生子
咁 歷代支那皇帝差不多個個都係雜種私生子?


銀風 2021-9-29 13:45:15 拎支那黎比
牙東囝 2021-9-29 13:49:29 基督教一夫一妻
五毛話唔要民主 2021-9-29 13:53:09 五毛話英國皇室係雜種後代吖嘛,唔收佢皮點得
理大性學士 2021-9-29 13:58:55 Crusader King III