蜜汁豬腳 2021-9-20 12:13:44 冇睇到字tim, 自吞一打膠


我係打手 2021-9-20 12:26:09
Head+Sub Mode. Say what!?
We feel sound as much as we hear sound. Before the invention of headphones, music listening has always been a full-body experience. It’s not just what your ears can hear but all the energy that your body feels that move the soul.

Headphone listening goes to a new level with a carefully matched and placed subwoofer. The GT enables this experience with its Head+Sub

千億個夜晚 2021-9-20 12:32:04 屌牙 我隻hifiman arya右邊播某個frequency嗰陣feel到入面好似有啲嘢震緊,出咗啲唔應該存在嘅聲出嚟

Fun 2021-9-20 12:36:31 送修

我係打手 2021-9-20 12:37:26
efsf081 2021-9-20 12:41:27 此回覆已被刪除
nokia安全套 2021-9-20 12:57:10 咁屎牌邊部 dac比較推薦
豬奶無朱 2021-9-20 12:58:54
壹線鷹 2021-9-20 13:03:17 planar 振膜係咁 振幅太大就可能撞到磁石 正常音量播歌就應該無野 你隻arya係近排先出現呢個問題?
壹線鷹 2021-9-20 13:04:06 YGGDRASIL新版dac11001
DeadlineFighter 2021-9-20 13:09:17 巴打請問呢隻咩取向?out少少筆直$4000都仲可以接受


nokia安全套 2021-9-20 13:10:27 都係monitor牛黎
nokia安全套 2021-9-20 13:10:40
千億個夜晚 2021-9-20 13:11:57 係呢個月嘅事
千億個夜晚 2021-9-20 13:12:45 順豐運上去俾佢整?
hj2qbjds 2021-9-20 13:14:27 Ect 有得聽
壹線鷹 2021-9-20 13:14:48 可以試下搵小修小寶睇下先
豬奶無朱 2021-9-20 13:22:14
@不了@ 2021-9-20 13:25:08 有貓fan
杜凱琹 2021-9-20 13:26:34 此回覆已被刪除
@不了@ 2021-9-20 13:31:05 好似唔係a12x15


DeadlineFighter 2021-9-20 13:31:52 因為懶,所以唔想試直接盲狙

聽pop, anisong, game ost為主
DeadlineFighter 2021-9-20 13:32:07 Amazon?
蜜汁豬腳 2021-9-20 13:32:39
我係打手 2021-9-20 13:32:58 冇問題