Tubbs 2022-1-9 20:22:01 之前響度俾人屌走左


VamosRAFA 2022-1-9 20:24:10 唔係好記得咩事了
只記得佢係祖死忠 死忠到有其他祖粉頂佢唔順
VamosRAFA 2022-1-9 20:27:27 好很得閒嘅人可以睇睇

Granger 2022-1-9 20:38:24 其實祖無可能appeal到
佢而家拉埋tennis Australia 落水
得閒打飛機 2022-1-9 20:44:20 其實祖自己走啦
Temuco 2022-1-9 20:44:29
林太史 2022-1-9 20:45:25

VamosRAFA 2022-1-9 20:54:51 HK time聽日幾點開court 好想睇結果
毀屍函 2022-1-9 20:56:16 開戰啦 開戰啦
VamosRAFA 2022-1-9 20:57:17 心理再強大也會崩潰,唔慌打得好...職業生涯最大危機
sigurros 2022-1-9 22:21:13 應該睇開老野波


Tubbs 2022-1-9 22:55:19 如果聽日反吸會唔會響court咁樣

白色的雲 2022-1-9 23:01:51 印象中大約係咁


白色的雲 2022-1-9 23:13:57

美網之後無啦啦喺atp post發癲,有人頂佢唔順,未1001都開過第二個post,跟住所有人就過曬嚟呢邊
VamosRAFA 2022-1-9 23:38:29
何妖俾天收 2022-1-10 00:22:22
VamosRAFA 2022-1-10 00:35:59
VamosRAFA 2022-1-10 01:12:26 唔會in person上court啦 仲係quarantine中
應該都係conference call

畫家齊打交 2022-1-10 01:19:53 笑死,2019温網決賽兩個championship point都可以輸
Tubbs 2022-1-10 06:30:48 其實係咪苦肉計
Private jet即刻飛去附近一個講明受中招=打針嘅國家嘆世界先
Tubbs 2022-1-10 08:09:46 BBC Live


Specifically the power under s116 (e)(i) of the Migration Act.

It allows the government to cancel someone's visa if they present a risk to "the health, safety or good order of the Australian community..."

The ABF decided that Djokovic, being unvaccinated, posed such a threat.

However, the tennis star's lawyers argue that he presented "miniscule" risk, given he had already had Covid, reducing his risk of contracting it again and passing it on to others.

Australia is already in the grip of an Omicron wave and seeing over 90,000 cases a day. Djokovic's entry hardly makes any difference, his lawyers said in their court documents.



Tubbs 2022-1-10 08:17:25 好明顯KY先係識波

kyrgios: “he’s gonna be angry,if he’s allowed to play he’s gonna be a tough motherfucker to beat.[…] how many backhands you think he will miss if he is pissed at the crowds?[…] it will be one of the most watched Oz Open ever if he plays and i’ll be like, go Novak, go Novak.”
Nadal 2022-1-10 08:25:08 https://twitter.com/V0X_P0PULl/status/1479617168631386114

French open 打得
Tubbs 2022-1-10 08:51:23 反吸在望

Posted at 0:480:48
'What more could this man have done?'
Judge Anthony Kelly is agreeing with Djokovic's lawyer's argument that the tennis player presented all the necessary medical evidence to officials.

He says he's quite "agitated" by what he's heard so far - and repeats the facts that Djokovic's exemption was granted by two separate medical boards in Australia.

"What more could this man have done?" says the judge.
冰人 2022-1-10 09:07:41 it is not abt wt more could he do, it is abt wht he shd do…
if you want to play, get vaxxed
he can gives tons of reasons of no being vaxxed and it is his choice but rule is rule