VamosRAFA 2022-1-9 16:24:57 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-59923332


咸蛋皮 2022-1-9 17:24:21
木木梟無咀吹簫 2022-1-9 17:26:37 完全無人理ATP cup 同小明
咸蛋皮 2022-1-9 17:27:35 都唔係第一次啦
SAYA 2022-1-9 18:36:02 祖呢面咁精彩

NOW又唔播小明 跟唔到
SEFGYJ 2022-1-9 18:38:32 如果有電視直播,分分鐘佢個聽證會個收視會高過澳網所有比賽
TalkToMeGoose 2022-1-9 18:49:31 FAA破冠軍處了
Tubbs 2022-1-9 18:50:17 團體賽唔計
運動廢青 2022-1-9 18:50:39 都係未破單打錦標
, atp cup應該唔計單打
TalkToMeGoose 2022-1-9 18:52:10 真係兩兄弟互相carry
TalkToMeGoose 2022-1-9 18:52:47 唔計呀…但咁多次final都未贏過


69朋友 2022-1-9 19:16:24 FAA放開黎打其實唔會0-8 final record

得閒打飛機 2022-1-9 19:25:49 佢上限其實高傻波
韋列圖 2022-1-9 19:30:03 美媒:倘敗訴或3年無法入境澳洲

source 01
Tubbs 2022-1-9 19:30:45 傻波勝在靚仔
得閒打飛機 2022-1-9 19:32:57 網球界大有人在囖
SEFGYJ 2022-1-9 19:37:11
西班牙人今次真係出盡全力抽水,佢地個ATP CUP領隊係頒獎度話:""I can promise you two things: to fight until the end & that we all have our covid passports""
拿拿臨念肥賓 2022-1-9 19:59:32 呢個 post 樓主咩撚野事,我網球 post 係 CD Rom 但都未見過佢,超級祖粉咁

澳洲政客無壓力犯錯 祖高域事件淪為國際笑柄
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
拿拿臨念肥賓 2022-1-9 20:01:34 而家佢最大獲係會唔會呃鳩澳洲政府佢中過肺炎,如果證明到先會咁
其實 tennis Australia 一定係共犯,係廢老同豆唔黎既時候,祖對佢哋黎講太重要,挺而走險一啲都唔奇
熱檸茶無冰 2022-1-9 20:04:06 旁述都講左句終於拎到major trophy
韋列圖 2022-1-9 20:04:07 無理由無見到喎 成日發癲



熱檸茶無冰 2022-1-9 20:09:03 上年法/溫好似都keep住仲係度
VamosRAFA 2022-1-9 20:15:44 點會未見過佢呀 佢改咗名啫
VamosRAFA 2022-1-9 20:19:37 又有新花生了

The Australian government did not tell Novak Djokovic that his "so-called medical exemption" would allow him to enter the country to compete in the Australian Open, court documents claim.

On Sunday, the government filed 13 pages of documents ahead of a hearing later to decide whether the Serbian tennis star can remain in the country or be deported. It also challenged Djokovic's claim that he had a COVID infection at the end of last year.

The hearing is due to start at 10am on Monday morning (11pm Sunday UK time), after a request by the Home Affairs department to delay it to Wednesday was rejected.

But the government said: "It had not represented to the applicant that his so-called 'medical exemption' would be accepted."

It argued "that says nothing about the power of the minister (or her delegate) to interrogate those responses, the evidence upon which they were based, and conclude that a cancellation power was enlivened under the Act upon his arrival into Australia".

The government submission also challenged Djokovic's infection claim, saying: "There is no suggestion that the applicant had 'acute major medical illness' in December 2021.

"All he has said is that he tested positive for COVID-19."

拿拿臨念肥賓 2022-1-9 20:21:41 跟甩左就 GG
