LIHKG 盛傳美國務卿布林肯將辭職!
我要食雞雞個雞雞 2021-9-12 15:20:53


Jack Posobiec — State Dept is preparing for possible resignation of Tony Blinken…

Secretary of State Antony Blinken will appear before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday, Sept. 14 to testify about the administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan.

It is the first scheduled public hearing since late last month, when the Biden administration allowed the rapid collapse of the Afghan government and military and the advance of the Taliban into Kabul.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing is set to be on “examining the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.” Blinken is the only witness currently listed for the hearing and a spokesman for Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) didn’t immediately respond to a question about potential testimony from additional administration officials.



babykicker 2021-9-12 15:23:07 還我蓬佩奧
0月0日 2021-9-12 15:23:32 幾時到拜登
感官真奇妙 2021-9-12 15:27:02 可以專注玩音樂了

拋西瓜拋到破產 2021-9-12 15:27:34 下任係咪要係基佬, 變性人, 有色人種, 大愛環保膠
花與愛麗絲 2021-9-12 15:27:50
共同富裕齊齊阿諛 2021-9-12 15:28:39 堅唔堅啊 ?
自動程式AI 2021-9-12 15:29:19 布含撚
浴火重生火鳳凰 2021-9-12 15:29:42 les黑女人素食環保愛護動物協會主席
華盛頓州US參議員 2021-9-12 15:30:19 仲要大愛支那

hohohohey 2021-9-12 15:30:29 仆街佢好似已經係比較強硬果個
車毀人亡 2021-9-12 15:31:23 睇篇文冇頭冇尾
多得這雨勢 2021-9-12 15:31:45 支國又有飛機打了
你試下手動呼吸 2021-9-12 15:31:53 代拜登食咗阿富汗隻死貓
華盛頓州US參議員 2021-9-12 15:32:38 但左膠唔鐘意布林肯支持香港同對支那強硬
KMFO 2021-9-12 15:32:59 幾時有獸人
愛爾蘭共和軍 2021-9-12 15:33:40 國際線:邊個背棄拜登就係鬼


回憶小子 2021-9-12 15:33:54 Fake news
學術研究 2021-9-12 15:34:50 辭職師
SherlockHolmes 2021-9-12 15:35:01 走左既話,無乜邊幾個係正常人。。。。
閃閃縮縮成轆竹 2021-9-12 15:40:33 布林肯本身都all talk no action啦 冇乜分別