CUHK Taught Master 2022-2023
半山絲 2021-11-3 20:23:09
offer god: 知道了


半山絲 2021-11-3 20:23:46 今日聽講出咗mkt offer啦
意粉王 2021-11-3 23:11:58 巴打有冇消息?上個月收咗個email講交文件deadline叫我快啲交之後就冇晒回音
北極沒有熊 2021-11-3 23:17:18
半山絲 2021-11-4 12:52:29 CU Mssc tg group:
老馬色途 2021-11-7 18:01:55 呢到
郭太太 2021-11-7 18:03:23 交晒野未?我差個statement 未寫好🥲
Marines 2021-11-7 18:17:27 諗住報但連application都仲未入
老馬色途 2021-11-7 20:04:33 甚麼statement? Reference?
懶得諗 2021-11-7 22:08:43 其實我都想問: personal statement 到底有幾重要?
葉門風雨 2021-11-7 22:12:02 我都想問Written Statement可以點寫?當正常散文咁寫講你點解想入個系就得?


老馬色途 2021-11-7 22:28:11 我報corp comm唔見話要寫personal statement
懶得諗 2021-11-7 22:46:38 會唔會係轉咗形式?
例如HKU會話: Reasons for applying…
老馬色途 2021-11-7 23:55:51 其他科就見要statement, 但corp comm唔見
劍廿十 2021-11-8 19:25:25 點解我9月報 到呢家咩消息都冇
老馬色途 2021-11-8 20:37:36 我都無
想踮起腳尖找尋愛 2021-11-10 15:11:27
劍廿十 2021-11-10 16:27:17 It is pity to tell you that you are not selected to nominate to graduate school after review.

This year there are quite a lot of applicants and due to limited quota, we have to select properly.

Moreover, your academic background is not really matching our MSc programme.

Thanks for your interesting to our programme.



中大忘了愛 2021-11-10 20:26:03 想問下可唔可以申請兩個課程?
搵相同既prof 填referee letter?
唔好沉 2021-11-10 20:41:30 你報左邊科
劍廿十 2021-11-10 20:42:08 Ehp


Ramza 2021-11-10 20:58:48 Environmental Information, Health and Public Management?

即係相等於浸大嘅Environmental and Public Health Management?
Ramza 2021-11-10 21:09:36
讀完都冇乜用,唔能夠去中/小學做檢定教員。而且教中/小學要識少少Literature/Language Arts

去教大專又唔夠料,唔夠Applied Linguistics嘅人競爭

如果係SCOPE top up就更加可以慳番啖氣
意粉王 2021-11-10 21:22:43 收嘅機會係有,不過唔大。


Applicants should preferably hold a postgraduate diploma in education or equivalent, having specialised in English language teaching.
劍廿十 2021-11-10 22:34:28