加拿大移民討論區 (9) 搞疫苗護照仲快撚過香港
咪望啦 2021-9-14 18:53:34 If you got your education abroad
You don’t need an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) to apply if you got a degree (for example, associate, bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral) outside Canada, but an officer may request one later.


Nobodybut 2021-9-14 19:21:09 Ching 我見你兩個POST都有問就幫幫你, 不過如果你之後有類似既問題可以入TG group睇Bot. 因為依D都係一D比較基礎既問題

你Quote果個係啱 如果你係申請緊OWP. 不過之後如果申請PR既話 Degree都要做ECA, 所以都recommend你做左先
卍乂金牌劍神乂卍 2021-9-14 19:24:05 https://www.instagram.com/p/CTjV701rw4C/?utm_medium=copy_link
咪望啦 2021-9-14 20:10:12
空條Q太郎 2021-9-14 21:06:14 個po主照被人拎exemption letter
卍乂金牌劍神乂卍 2021-9-14 21:21:00 啱啱開果日應該未咁清晰
寶西湖沒有中秋 2021-9-14 21:25:16 見到有照拎嚟睇啫
本身有job offer都會睇下
桜木花道 2021-9-14 21:29:31 想問吓申請stream B 嘅工作證明
係咪就咁畀payslip 都得?
因為我見佢話could be any one from the list of documents
小娣 2021-9-14 22:37:56 想問下而家打咗兩針雖然話唔駛quarantine,但我見有一項係
"There are strict requirements you must follow even if you are exempt from quarantine."

You must:
wear a mask at all times when in public spaces
maintain a list of all close contacts for your first 14 days in Canada
monitor yourself for signs and symptoms of COVID-19

有無人可以講下嗰maintain contacts list具體係要點?有無限制咗落地要自己一個住,係咪唔可以同一堆人一齊瞓
寶西湖沒有中秋 2021-9-15 00:21:05 其實可以
能大仔 2021-9-15 00:54:27 有冇人知隔山租牛有咩要注意?

睇過啲二人Airbnb 都唔平,諗住直接租算。依家睇緊union station 附近啲盤,應該都唔會太伏

個區係咪downtown 最旺同最方便?


追風箏的男孩子 2021-9-15 00:59:45
移民撚 2021-9-15 01:26:52
感情如同等搭黨鐵 2021-9-15 05:14:29 聯名戶口 合照 fb Ig post etc., 總之要證明你地係真情侶
寶西湖沒有中秋 2021-9-15 09:13:40 同埋聽講會突擊check 你地係咁一齊住同一齊瞓
我愛water 2021-9-15 18:59:10
屌你條撚 2021-9-15 20:42:48
我已經癲咗 2021-9-16 00:15:45 噚晚開始login唔到ircc

我已經癲咗 2021-9-16 00:31:38


我註冊成功到味 2021-9-16 00:46:00
我已經癲咗 2021-9-16 01:19:11 疫情關係要搵到工先過到去,不過好似話放寛緊



我已經癲咗 2021-9-16 01:21:48 meowmeowqqqqq
女朋友的男朋友 2021-9-16 01:29:24 試下清cookies/用無痕/其他browser
我已經癲咗 2021-9-16 10:14:34 試過晒,都係唔得
卍乂金牌劍神乂卍 2021-9-16 10:18:01