[HKUSPACE]召集所有太空人面孔(56) 各位FM請緊記本校校訓
謝師宴毒男 2022-2-8 15:14:20 thanks a lot ching


不悲傷的豬肉飯 2022-2-8 16:53:10 Dear Students,

Given the severity of the current COVID outbreak and the possibility for it to last for a prolonged period, CC has decided for teaching be done by online mode as much as possible for the entire semester 2. The learning and teaching arrangements for CC commencing on February 14 will be as follows:

All lectures are delivered by online mode only. Lectures will be recorded and uploaded onto SOUL. In order to ensure a smooth and effective delivery of the online learning, CC has established a special email account for you to report any technical issue or incidents with the online connection. If you find repeated video/audio lags in your Zoom class, please send an email to cczoom@hkuspace.hku.hk and provide us the course name and class number for further checking.
If there are certain learning activities that must be conducted in-person, e.g. practicals or field study, the course teacher will inform you the detailed arrangements.
Except for certain programmes with means of assessment stipulated by professional bodies, course assessment will be based on continuous assessment. The teachers will inform you the amended assessment arrangements.
For studio, practical and lab sessions that are necessary to be held in-person, the number of students in the venue cannot exceed 50% of the capacity of the venue. Students should comply with the prescribed seating arrangements and not leave their seats unless permitted by the teacher or the lab supervisor. Students not complying with the arrangements can be expelled from the venue and given a zero mark for the practical or lab work.
For essential field studies or group projects in the outdoor setting, the class should be divided into groups of 2 (or whatever maximum group size Government stipulates at the time). Sufficient separation among the groups should be maintained.
The practicum for certain programmes may proceed with approvals from CC as well as the hosting organisation. Cancelled practicum will be replaced by an alternative learning activity.
In-person tutorial sessions will be reduced in number or replaced by online tutorials. For tutorials held F2F, the number of students in each tutorial group cannot exceed 50% of the room capacity, and students should keep sufficient distance from each other at all times during the tutorial.
Student societies planning to organise in-person activities must seek the approval of the College Principal via the SUAB.
The learning centres, libraries, and certain designated study facilities will remain open and accessible to students. Students are reminded to register for the Green Pass System before entering the campus.
The above arrangements will apply for the entire semester. Mindful of the constantly evolving COVID-19 situation and government policy, the College may announce further changes in the arrangements as soon as needed.

Prof Chan Lung Sang
College Principal
Sleeping 2022-2-8 21:40:50 GPA GOD

Offer God

入到其中一科一定比心機讀好佢 貢獻社會
唏吔唏 2022-2-8 21:56:24
星願小王子 2022-2-9 00:12:26 今日先知院長住我附近sls
StayHydrated 2022-2-9 03:13:08
Sleeping 2022-2-9 14:16:38 我GPA唔高 得3.8x
可能係Personal Statement寫得ok先會有機會收多啲interview
year one的話就加油俾心機真係頭兩個sem個GPA差唔多定生死ah

我依家都仲未出第三個sem GPA但已經差唔多全部interview晒!
Sleeping 2022-2-9 14:18:06 um 真係冇話邊科特別有信心
sports ugc冇一科係容易入的
長期浪漫 2022-2-10 05:56:36
Sleeping 2022-2-10 12:44:58 我冇
長期浪漫 2022-2-10 12:45:57


至叻小人瑞 2022-2-10 17:43:03 唔一定ga wor
StayHydrated 2022-2-10 17:59:12
Sleeping 2022-2-11 17:36:43 我都in左 希望有幸做同學👍🏻🙏🏼
長期浪漫 2022-2-11 17:44:14
Sleeping 2022-2-11 23:52:54 都係嗰啲大路嘅嘢 自我介紹 同埋睇返你自己upload咗嘅體育相關資歷同埋學術成績咁樣係針對性咁樣問你(有機會)
唔建議準備太多睇返以前啲題目 每年都唔同
到時你interview先發現完全買唔同嘅嘢通常有啲人會窒咗 放鬆心情佢問你問題通常用中文問

例如問你/社會對教師睇法嗰啲 官方個課程架構都可以睇吓
Sleeping 2022-2-11 23:53:37 *問
五秒真男人 2022-2-14 08:22:14 請問點入telegram大谷
大茶飯之光 2022-2-14 13:28:36 https://t.me/hkuspaceastronauts
毒與天地精神往來 2022-2-15 23:40:19 想揀Humanities theme
見字飲可樂 2022-2-16 22:17:37 揀咗


毒與天地精神往來 2022-2-16 22:31:04 所以本來諗住揀中文,但中文嗰啲科我又完全無興趣,而且英文哩啲嘢避得一時避唔到一世,加上下年先讀,仲有時間學下英文。所以最後用排除法揀咗humanities
因為cards 同philosophy嗰啲我都幾鐘意讀。但humanities theme入面有幾科我又無乜興,而家都驚驚地
見字飲可樂 2022-2-16 23:19:02 CARDS ok嘅話揀Humanities應該唔會太辛苦 英文肯下功夫一定會進步到 夠應付啲courses
要信自己搞得掂 師兄一齊加油
毒與天地精神往來 2022-2-16 23:21:03
阿啦瓜巴啦巴 2022-2-17 13:50:50 你對有cards同philo有興趣同讀得掂的話 自然都會因為想學嘢而自發地學英文

我當時英文都唔算好 但都靠google translate搞掂
