[HKUSPACE]召集所有太空人面孔(56) 各位FM請緊記本校校訓
我真係好想讀三大 2022-1-7 09:47:00 offer god!!!!!! gpa god!!!!! 請賜我offer 同保我gpa呀鳴


不悲傷的豬肉飯 2022-1-7 14:53:50 GPA GOD
長期防範沒有終點 2022-1-7 15:47:08 GPA GOD
北極凍L 2022-1-7 16:04:34 GPA GOD
板勢柱前普 2022-1-7 16:06:42 GPA GOD
長期浪漫 2022-1-7 20:14:04 GPA god
難道喜歡處男座 2022-1-8 00:56:30 hope can release gpa earlier
不悲傷的豬肉飯 2022-1-8 00:56:44 最好聽日出
瞬間看忍者龜頭 2022-1-8 01:19:36 唔係後日出咩?
BiLeYGr 2022-1-8 02:29:15
布甸糖 2022-1-8 11:32:40 GPA GOD


安心掃閪 2022-1-8 11:40:03 想去SpaceX多啲
香港既朗拿度 2022-1-9 14:09:31
成個世界都係彩虹 2022-1-10 13:34:08 想問幾時出timetable
成個世界都係彩虹 2022-1-10 13:38:04 Sorry 自膠
啱啱自己睇咗learner portal
黑面大神 2022-1-10 13:58:23 Space做嘢可唔可以快啲
香港既朗拿度 2022-1-10 17:30:08
長期防範沒有終點 2022-1-11 19:21:43 校訓
Bba開公司 2022-1-12 10:26:10 hkuspace前同學想同大家講聲加油, 以入3大為目標加油!!!

利申, space cs gpa 爆4
, 依加ust cs year3 gpa 3.56
Bba開公司 2022-1-12 10:35:43 hkuspace派grade慢到傻,
ust 有D科最快考完後2日派分, letter grade就平均1個星期, 有D professor仲會派埋所有人既grade俾大家參考
魯迪 2022-1-12 11:05:48 Offer God



日出時讓街燈午睡 2022-1-12 15:01:39 有預感year 1 sem1 爛
不悲傷的豬肉飯 2022-1-12 17:27:27 Dear Students,

Given the current resurgence of COVID-19 cases, the College will commence the second semester with online instruction for the first two teaching weeks (22 Jan 2022 to 13 Feb 2022). During this period, classes will be delivered at the time-tabled slots by synchronous instruction via Zoom. All the course materials, recorded lectures and Zoom meeting links will be posted on SOUL by the respective course teachers. The College will continue to monitor the situation and if situation permits, face-to-face classes (similar to that of Semester 1) will be resumed as soon as possible. The teaching arrangement from 14 February 2022 will be announced on or before 9 February 2022.

The College has prepared the Zoom Meeting Guide for Students which you can download from here.

Following The University of Hong Kong (HKU) in introducing enhanced COVID-19 control measures, starting from next Monday (17 Jan 2022) anyone wishing to enter HKU or HKU SPACE campuses will need either to be fully vaccinated or take weekly COVID-19 self-test with negative results. If you have not registered your COVID-19 status through the Green Pass System (https://gpsys.hkuspace.hku.hk), please do so it immediately..

Please stay vigilant! Wishing to see you all again on campus soon!

Prof LS Chan
College Principal
長期防範沒有終點 2022-1-12 18:27:25 架硬f2f左一個sem
BiLeYGr 2022-1-12 20:11:06