召集所有鍾意K-ON! 輕音少女嘅面孔#50大拿拿$5000點使好
黄前久美子 2021-9-5 01:36:41 曲終人散


Yui愛梓 2021-9-5 01:43:34 佢出個OVA/電影話佢地可以係武道館表演我就心足
旗木卡卡西 2021-9-5 10:52:59 Real
Yui愛梓 2021-9-6 03:46:48
Yui愛梓 2021-9-6 03:49:03 https://www.piku.co.kr/w/4uHX2y
我係god knows拎第一
旗木卡卡西 2021-9-6 13:46:49 Who knows
Yui愛梓 2021-9-6 20:53:32 無晒人
Mugi 2021-9-6 21:06:22
Yui愛梓 2021-9-7 00:43:48 唔上水
最愛梓喵 2021-9-7 12:31:45
旗木卡卡西 2021-9-7 15:28:34


Yui愛梓 2021-9-8 19:38:13
Yui愛梓 2021-9-9 17:59:30 消費卷無咩點用過
美城曉 2021-9-9 22:09:51 要幫忙嗎?
Yui愛梓 2021-9-9 22:28:29 你點幫我
美城曉 2021-9-9 22:38:19 幫手用咗佢
Yui愛梓 2021-9-10 03:14:14
Yui愛梓 2021-9-10 03:16:32 https://twitter.com/uta_25/status/1435873215939629060?s=21
Yui愛梓 2021-9-10 23:43:05
旗木卡卡西 2021-9-11 01:29:19
Yui愛梓 2021-9-12 17:26:50


美城曉 2021-9-13 11:26:56 The place changes and goes,Like a wind,like clouds
美城曉 2021-9-13 11:29:47 The place is a lofty load
can't meet nobody put on
We will lose the place
so lofty which changes
Mugi 2021-9-13 12:57:47
鴻鵠之志 2021-9-13 13:08:54