[FA轉會+奧運淘汰賽]2021-22 NBA休季討論區(2)
Nyamazon 2021-8-3 09:54:07 大V可唔可以夾到Zion 有D保留


迫爆神 2021-8-3 09:54:17 流血大晒咩德國仔
陳語謙 2021-8-3 09:54:34 但係兩年換四隊覺得好橙
蘇亞雷C 2021-8-3 09:54:46 外線Pelicans 守廢啲定湖廢啲
陳語謙 2021-8-3 09:56:22 肥仔本身就好難夾
話就話佢會傳會控 但到頭來都係等佢爆入去果個模式
水原千鶴(25仔) 2021-8-3 09:56:36 Free agent G Norman Powell has agreed to a five-year, $90M deal to return to the Portland Trail Blazers, his agent Thaddeus Foucher of
tells ESPN.
陳語謙 2021-8-3 09:57:08 定係CJ要講再見
陳語謙 2021-8-3 09:57:34 定係Dame講再見
湯神(復出) 2021-8-3 09:57:59 CJ實trade唔洗諗
水原千鶴(25仔) 2021-8-3 09:58:09 Six-time All-Star F Blake Griffin has agreed on a one-year deal to stay with the Brooklyn Nets, his agent Sam Goldfeder of
tells ESPN.
蘇亞雷C 2021-8-3 09:58:16 希望dame trade me,Powell 仲要卡死 5年


湯神(復出) 2021-8-3 09:59:02 芬妹繼續奶阿杜袋底
陳語謙 2021-8-3 10:00:37 拓都唔會上到去架啦 dame同cj齊齊再見啦
Nyamazon 2021-8-3 10:01:23 咁搞法dame真係走,拓GM扮緊鴕鳥?
蘇亞雷C 2021-8-3 10:01:59 扮有做嘢去維持競爭力
Nyamazon 2021-8-3 10:03:57 求其簽個zeller扮補強
99.99 2021-8-3 10:06:51 隊波本身已經無cap ,無咩可能再補到強
迫爆神 2021-8-3 10:07:50 loose ball都可以吹back court嘅咩
拚拚男朋友 2021-8-3 10:07:58 Dame 去76
迫爆神 2021-8-3 10:08:35 吹返啱
一線鷹迷(迷羊) 2021-8-3 10:09:33 Free agent Kent Bazemore has agreed to a 1-year deal with the Lakers, agent Austin Walton tells @TheAthletic


達海 2021-8-3 10:09:44 fiba 都有黑哨
水原千鶴(25仔) 2021-8-3 10:09:58 Free agent Kent Bazemore has agreed to a 1-year deal with the Lakers, agent Austin Walton tells @TheAthletic@Stadium
Sunny@SNSD 2021-8-3 10:10:00
Miku 2021-8-3 10:10:10 又一個舊湖