[FA轉會+奧運淘汰賽]2021-22 NBA休季討論區(2)
Ballack 2021-8-3 12:19:11 勇仲有錢簽人


水原千鶴(25仔) 2021-8-3 12:19:22 玻璃人緊係底薪啦
一線鷹迷(迷羊) 2021-8-3 12:19:40 羊最少要有3陣先有207,否則172

Wojnarowski pegs the projected value of Young’s deal at $207MM, which would mean a starting salary worth 30% of a $119MM cap in 2022/23. That suggests that Atlanta has indeed put Rose Rule language in the deal, but Young will still need to meet the criteria to earn that amount. If he fails to earn All-NBA honors next season, the extension would be worth a projected $172.55MM.
蘇亞雷C 2021-8-3 12:20:23 Dvd sign and trade kuzma/KCP + Harrell?
敏敏食木耳 2021-8-3 12:21:03 下年冇得賣犯唔知佢數據會跌幾多呢
一線鷹迷(迷羊) 2021-8-3 12:21:33 場均5分差唔多
水原千鶴(25仔) 2021-8-3 12:21:34 同理sga如果黎緊入到前3隊會自動上207,即係30% cap
波瑠 2021-8-3 12:22:01 底薪仲要去勇先癲
一線鷹迷(迷羊) 2021-8-3 12:23:20 Opj 係簽底薪?
波瑠 2021-8-3 12:24:02 https://twitter.com/ChrisBHaynes/status/1422410903954235399?s=19
蘇亞雷C 2021-8-3 12:25:11 底薪點解唔係去湖,去勇做乜


蔣志光 2021-8-3 12:25:47 去猢沒波打
蘇亞雷C 2021-8-3 12:26:43 走左kuzma ,啱啱好
蔣志光 2021-8-3 12:27:19 但簽左d咩ariza bazemore willington
萬惡窮為首 2021-8-3 12:27:33 此回覆已被刪除
一線鷹迷(迷羊) 2021-8-3 12:28:00 Dvd 傾左成4-5個鐘
水原千鶴(25仔) 2021-8-3 12:28:50 dvd要snt
刑天(和理勇武) 2021-8-3 12:28:50 湧士舒服D
慶乜撚野祝 2021-8-3 12:29:51 DVD係咪要變真核
一線鷹迷(迷羊) 2021-8-3 12:29:52 唔傷嘅話用MLE 都抵
Zachary 2021-8-3 12:30:46 大傷完敢唔敢搏啊


新屋嶺 2021-8-3 12:30:52 嫌錢腥定家鄉san fran
極愛大 2021-8-3 12:33:34 定係搏打得好之後走去第二度簽張大
Mr.Tam 2021-8-3 12:33:42 拎唔到佢應該唔制啦 至少20m一年
一線鷹迷(迷羊) 2021-8-3 12:34:42 Spencer Dinwiddie is nearing an agreement with the Washington Wizards that will pay roughly $60 million over three years, per league sources. Talks are still ongoing in their Los Angeles meeting.