[大師兄返黎喇] LA Lakers | Mamba Forever 討論區(292)
永遠懷念高比 2021-8-3 10:14:52 此回覆已被刪除


敏敏食木耳 2021-8-3 10:14:53 Beasley
優鳩 2021-8-3 10:15:06 仲有melo gay mills tht
波縮. 2021-8-3 10:15:28 all back LA la diu
假野惠里菜 2021-8-3 10:15:50 當年Bazemore喺湖人算係打起咗 開咗張約比佢又唔撚留
お茶 2021-8-3 10:16:07 平均年齡有無33
Ki-Jana_Hoever 2021-8-3 10:16:13 11個32歲+ 加tht 開波
木村里中睛 2021-8-3 10:16:58 簽斯洛文尼亞 個30號啦
波縮. 2021-8-3 10:17:02 係勇士比kerr打壓,有咩計
小貓晴 2021-8-3 10:17:09 簽番ab0
貓貓ching 2021-8-3 10:17:23 此回覆已被刪除


拋豬引慾 2021-8-3 10:17:38 執咗堆新仔番黎架
假野惠里菜 2021-8-3 10:18:33
反正防守都係廢 寧願要哨牙仔
情迷朱古力 2021-8-3 10:18:47 快d snt mk 換 28歲 hield 回來同我拉低返個 average 年紀!
(笑) 2021-8-3 10:20:45 簽返Ryan Kelly未!!!
西明日香 2021-8-3 10:21:00 (笑)
GSDF 2021-8-3 10:21:45 要補後場防守
結他小王子 2021-8-3 10:21:46 好想知份迷你中產會簽邊個
(笑) 2021-8-3 10:22:02 羅狗得四隻腳
Ki-Jana_Hoever 2021-8-3 10:25:12 Pau Gasol
逆插玫瑰 2021-8-3 10:26:26 Free agent center Dewayne Dedmon has agreed to a one-year deal to return to the Miami Heat, sources tell @TheAthletic


波縮. 2021-8-3 10:26:35 打奧運跳都跳唔起,點打
結他小王子 2021-8-3 10:26:38

學上面話 要ab0個仆街仔好過
永遠懷念高比 2021-8-3 10:28:43 此回覆已被刪除
短髮柳真 2021-8-3 10:33:03 Bazemore turned down more money and years (two) from the Warriors, sources say, but believes he will have a bigger role and opportunity to win a championship with the Lakers. Bazemore is betting on himself.

寧願要少啲錢40% 3pt 一年都黎